Lots of awesome = Lots of Awesome

May 15, 2009 02:19

 So, I got my new camera today.  I named it Sokka, because it's blue, and because it is awesome.  It's a JVC flash-memory camcorder with still photo capabilities (in short, it's everything I could ever, ever want in a camera).  I tooled around with it today, and I was supremely satisfied with its performance.  I can see many long, happy hours recording and taking pictures with my new little blue buddy.

Oh, and this bears mentioning: GREEN DAY'S NEW ALBUM CAME OUT TODAY.  BY TODAY, I MEAN A FEW HOURS AGO.  PRELIMINARY REPORTS SUGGEST IT IS THE MOST EPIC ALBUM EVER DONE (only a slight exaggeration).  I was going to go to bed, because I got home late, but I remembered that the album came out at midnight AND I HAD TO LISTEN RIGHT THEN.  BILLIE JOE, YOU ARE THE NEW GOD OF ROCK.

Tomorrow night? STAR TREK.  LATE SHOW.  WITH THE GF AND THE PEEPS.  Can I get a hellz yeah? Of course I can.  SPOCKLAR, I LOVE YOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!


roadtrip, star trek, green day

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