A meme from
artemisrae :
001. What songs are you currently addicted to?
Hmm...well, I've been semi-addicted for several months to the album Kerplunk! by Green Day (it's their second album, from before they were on a major record label). Aside from that, I've also been listening to a good bit of Muse lately, especially Black Holes and Revelations, and also the song The Beginning is the End is the Beginning by Smashing Pumpkins.
002. What are you currently reading?
Right now I'm making my way through the first book in the new Rick Riordan series, The Kane Chronicles. If you liked Percy Jackson, I highly recommend it; it's a really similar premise, except with Egyptian mythology instead of Greek.
003. What was the last movie you saw?
In theaters, I finally saw How To Train your Dragon a couple weeks ago, and it was every bit as awesome as
juxtaposie had been telling me. Not in theaters, I watched Back to the Future with my little sister this afternoon and it was every bit as great as always. 1.21 JIGAWATTS! GREAT SCOTT!
004. What makes you angriest/most frustrated right now?
The fact that I can't find a job. This is actually a multi-faceted problem. On the one hand we have the fact that I NEED a job; my finances simply won't allow me to not have one if I want to survive through school. On the other hand, I don't really want a job; I have had a horrible track record with employment so far, between cashiering at a supermarket and being a camp counselor at the YMCA (the second one would have been fun, but my supervisor was an ass). There's also the fact that my parents are (rightly) hounding me, and regardless of the fact that they're right, nagging me isn't gong to make employment happen any faster.
005. Favourite book and why?
Sorry, I don't do favorites questions; there's never been one of ANYTHING that I like more than all the other of those things.
006. What are your current addictions?
Mountain Dew. Seriously, I think I may have developed a mild addiction to it. I've been drinking way too much lately, and I need to wean myself off. Also, Dungeon Fighter. I can't believe I actually play it as much as I do.
007. What's your favorite t-shirt?
The Axel and Demyx t-shirts I got at Otakon last year, mostly because every time I wear one, I secretly hope that a fellow Kingdom Hearts fan will see it and comment on it. I also love my Green Day and Nirvana t-shirts.
008. Something about you that most people don't know. Extra points if it's interesting.
Before I ever wrote anything, my favorite thing to do was to walk around and make up stories. The problem is that I usually did this during recess (I was young guys, young and foolish XD) so about every three days or so someone would come up and ask me why all I ever did was pace in circles and talk to myself. Every so often it was a teacher, but they seemed to understand. I still do this, in a way; I think much better if I'm moving, so brainstorming for me generally involves a few laps around the room.
009. What was the last thing you bought?
The last thing I bought was a bottle of V8 Splash juice (berry flavored, if you care to know). The last INTERESTING thing I bought was a Vulcan fully automatic Nerf gun. Yeah. You read that right. I will fill you full of rubber-tipped foam lead if you look at me the wrong way.
010. Do you have more friends online or off?
About the same, I guess. I have four or five really close real life friends, and roughly the same online.
011. Something that made you laugh today.
I laughed at Back to the Future today, but the last thing I laughed hard at was Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged's take on Bad Romance...
012. Favorite non-alcoholic beverage?
Mountain Dew. I am addicted to it, as previously mentioned.
013. What was the last thing you ate?
A bowl of Corn Pops. GOTTA HAVE MY POPS!
014. What are your current favorite pairings?
Eh, I haven't been in much of a shipping mood lately.
015. Favorite website?
Tvtropes. It's my default site for when I don't have anything else to do.
016. What are your plans for tomorrow?
Get my hair cut. Nothing else concrete.
017. What kind of music is contained in your hard drive?
Lots and lots of punk, grunge, and emo. Some samples include the aforementioned Green Day and Nirvana, along with Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, The Offspring, My Chemical Romance, and Stone Temple Pilots. I also have a decent amount of techno and dance (read: rave) music in there.
018. Favorite color?
Don't have one. Blue, green, and black are probably at the top of the list, though.
019. Pet peeve?
Snoring. JESUS CHRIST IT TURNS ME INTO THAT GUY FROM THE SHINING. Seriously, if you want to see me go totally batshit crazy, fall asleep and snore near me. I will beat you until you wake up, and then demand that you go make stupid noises where I can't hear you.
020. Guilty pleasure?
Shirking obligations, if that counts. I feel like it's more a character flaw than a guilty pleasure, but...Seriously guys, if it's not something that I've been told I have to do and/or there are no immediate, drastic consequences for not doing it, it's probably not going to get done. I am really lazy.
Interesting sidenote: I noticed that I completely went back on my initial thing about not having favorites. I guess I just don't have favorite bands, movies, books, that kinda thing.
And..hmm...I tag
obstinate_fate ,
onee_omi ,
agentevey ,
arthoniel ,
merrytook92 ,
arcanelegacy ,
fl0e , and...
skeletonhorse . Go to it!