All over again...

Aug 19, 2004 13:21

I hate feeling this way. I talked to Mike about it last night. That kinda made me feel better, but then again, it kinda did nothing but make it come out. It happens every so often. I end up not likeing life for a few days even a week at a time. It's horrible. I can't eat, I constantly sleep, I feel like I want to blow up at ever person that looks at me a certain way, I smoke constantly and I get so grouchy. And most and worst of all, I dont like school or work. Which really sucks, cause it's money, not good money, but I like my job, and school, I didn't ever want to get up this morning. There are only certain things that I know of that cure these spells, and nothing of them are around right now to do me any good. I just want what every girl wants, someone to be with. And I know, and thank you Mike, that if I dont look for love that it will come looking for me, well what a load of crap. The only time I did in fact "not look" I was "found" but the biggest asshole that I've ever known. But then again, every guy that I have ever been with has left me for some reason or another that didn't make sense. I think I'm going to lay down for a little while and just cry myself a good nap until I have to go to work. It's good that I only have to work till 7 though, that kinda lifts my spirits.

Drank the last of my Chianti last night. Maybe it's a good thing right now that I'm 20 and not 21, I mean, I like to drink, I like to have fun, but I'm so deathly afraid of ending up like my father that it spins me back into reality. I think, for right now anyway, I'll just stick to slowly killing myself off with cigarettes. That's good enough for me. and so to combat my bad mood and keep my mind on better things...

Name: Lacey
Sex: yes please...erm, i mean, female
Birthday: July 28
Siblings: 1 sister 2 step brothers
Height: 6ft
Hair Color: sandy brown
Eye Color: hazel, blue rings around the outside and a few "freckels" of brown
Eye Color of Choice: blue
Writing Hand: right

Nervous Habits: i bite my nails a lot and i smoke
Do you bite your nails? yes
Are you double jointed? nope
Can you roll your tongue? yes
Can you blow smoke rings? i've tried, but i'm not that talented
Can you blow spit bubbles? no...eww
Can you cross your eyes? yes
Do you make your bed daily? haha no

On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet? money? HA!
Sexiest article of clothing on a guy? tight pair of jeans
For a chick?: i wouldnt notice
Favorite Piece of Clothing: i have this shirt that's made out of strechy material, split long sleeves and it has 3 silver chains going across the back
Pajamas: dont wear them

Do you wind your spaghetti or cut it? wind
Have you ever eaten Spam? yea, it was ok
How often do you brush your teeth? everyday
How often do you shower/bathe? everyday
How long does your shower last? 15 minutes to half an hour
Hair drying method: i dont blow dry it just let it air dry
Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair? yes. i looked like a giraffe for half my 7th grade year, thanks mom
What colors has your hair been? brown and light brown, close to blonde
Do you swear? a sailor
Do you ever spit? sometimes

Food: pizza and ice cream, particularly cookie dough ice cream
Month: July hehe, my birthday
Day: any day when i get to talk to Michel
Shoe Brand: dont have any
Subject in school: none!
Color: pink and red and blue
Person to talk to online: Michel, Robbie and Mike
Body part on/in you: Lips and eyes and hands
Body part on the opposite sex: lips eyes hands and butts, im a butt girl...haha
TV show: One Tree Hill
Movie: too many to name
Holiday: Christmas
Magazine: Entertainment Weekly
Vacationing Spot: any as long as i'm not here
Thing To Do In The Summer: anything.
Thing To Do In The Winter: anything as long as i dont freeze my ass off
Perfume or Cologne: velocity and CK one

Ever taken a cab? yes
Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? i've been known on occasion to be as vain yes
What color is your bedroom? like a a tan color
Do you use an alarm clock? yes, but he's on hieatous
Name one thing you are obsessed with: checking my livejournal. haha
Have you ever skinny-dipped with the opposite sex?: nope, but i'm still young
Ever sunbathed nude? no
Window seat or aisle? aisle, or else i wont fit

What's your sleeping position? sleeping on my right side. i'm partially deaf in my left ear so it cuts down on the noise
Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? only a sheet then
Do you snore? i've been told as much
Do you sleepwalk? i wouldn't know...I"M SLEEPING!
Do you talk in your sleep? *see above*
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? *cuddles* i luvs Mr. Bear
How about with the light on? not since i was like 8
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? niether, but sometimes the raido, or a cd i made

first best friend/s = Amber
first job = WalMart
first screen name = Tinker5672
first self purchased cd = All 4 One, I know how cheesy
first funeral: my dads
first piercing/tattoo = my ears when I was a baby, and I had my dads initials tattooed on my ankel
first enemy = Veronica, grrr, she was such a bitch.
first big trip = DISNEYLAND BABY! WOOT WOOT!

last long car ride = to San Francisco and back dropping Eric off at the airport
last good cry = i'm currently working on it
last library book checked out = I think it was something about Shakespeare
last beverage drank = Dr. Pepper
last food consumed = Tuna samich and some cool guacamole lays potato chips
last phone call = called Robbie this morning
last time showered = last night, i think i'll take another one beforei go to work
last shoes worn = my flip flops, tan suede with beads and embroidery on them. finally stole them back fom my sister. that's right damnit!
last song played = My Happy Ending :: Avril Lavigne (i know, songs like that dont help my mood either
last annoyance = the steak burning on the grill last night.
last time you had sex = i plead the 5th

describe your
wallet = its a id case that pops open and holds down your stuff, great for cigs too, white with pink stars
underwear = so many kinds really, Layne Bryants buy 3 get 3 free.
tattoos = my dads initals on my right ankel
room = empty. it gets that way when you haven't slept in your worn bed in weeks.
Boyfriend: i wasn't aware that I had one, but if I could describe him, tall dark hair, amazing eyes, great smile, come to think of it, the european doctor type would be nice. ;)
parents = one mom, one step dad.

this or that
[boxers or briefs] = boxers
[plaid or striped] = striped, makes my boobs look bigger
[salt or pepper] = salt
[okay, ok, or o.k.] = just k, thank you very much
[bright colors or dark colors] = dark
[tic-tacs or certs] = tic tacs
[sunshine or rain] = rain
[rain or snow] = rain
[sun or moon] = moon
[silver or gold] = silver, gold makes my hands look dirty
[silk, cotton, or flannel sheets] = silk
[preps or freaks] = freaks
[popcorn-with or w/out butter] = with, and with salt
[ketchup, mayo, mustard, or relish]= ketchup
[shampoo + conditioner in one or separate] = seperate

if you were ____ what would it be?
an animal = lion...*rawr*
a fruit = apple
a vegetable = tomato
a color = white
a bug = catipillar

short answer
are you smart? = kinda
do you like onions? if i was an ogre
what instruments can you play? = nothing
what words do you overuse? = anyways
do you sleep with socks on? = never
are you ticklish? = only in 2 spots and i'm not tellin
are you shy? = sometimes
do you talk to yourself? = always
do you have a basement or an attic? = attic
did you go to preschool? = yesum
are you a morning person? = no!

you touched?: Mike
you talked to?: my sister
you hugged?: Mike
you instant messaged?: Danielle
you kissed?: i'd rather forget
you yelled at?: my sister
you thought about?: Michel
who text messaged you?: no one
who broke your heart?: Thad
who told you they loved you?: Michel

# of drugs taken illegally: 0
# of people i could trust with my life: 2
# of pets you have, kind, name: 6, Tucker, Truffles, Twinkle and Mugsie (pugs), Tazz (cat), and Magoo (bird).
# of scars on my body: 2
# of things in my past that i regret: 4
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