It is Spring Break and I am waiting for my laundry.
Thursday night, I went out with eight of the girls (aka Julia Kate Ginger Ann Lis Morgan Jess Nikki) to O'Charley's, which was amazing. I had 8-10 rolls because I am super-huge and I destroy everything in my path. Rah. Thursday night, Britt came into town and we kind of watched part of Daywatch, which I need to finish (as in, it looks better than Nightwatch). Then Friday, after convincing Britt to come to Cowan and eat with us at our boy-girl table, Kira and Morgan and I rocked out to Tenacious D while packing.
Then one of the most adult nights of my life, and why it was more adult than the sushi/movie experience in Louisville, I don't know. Maybe Lexington holds some mystical appeal to me because I don't live there. Me, Scott, Britt, MB, Rountree, Zeke, and Ryn all went to Yamamoto and ate until we died, and then revived ourselves for a SKETCHY-ASS liquor run and then saw V for Vendetta, which is so good, and I will go see it again with anyone who wants to. Then Strong Man yanked the car door open so hard that it is now permanently open, but hey, if you LOCK YOUR KEYS IN THERE again, easy access!
Now I'm home and doing absolutely NOTHING which is the way I like it, and MAYBE just maybe I'll leave the house today.
To prove that I'm doing absolutely nothing... I haven't filled out a survey probably since coming to college. So whee!
[1]. Name one person who is on your mind right now: Jules
[2]. Do you think your life has been good so far? Uh yeah... I guess if I get all reflective, bad events have happened, but they've always ended well, and that counts for more.
[3]. Where is the last place you went? The kitchen for some crumbly-topped donuts. (question: Are 'donuts' and 'doughnuts' interchangeable (like 'baloney' and 'balogna'), or do they describe two different things?)
[4]. Who is the last person that called you? Julia, last night
[5]. Who is the last person you texted? I don't text on my new phone, so probably Swope
[6]. What's the name of your first true love? George (he has more names)
[7]. Whos your best friend of the opposite sex? Dan Kamykowski. But while he is in France and therefore too far to hug, Ben Ray is filling his shoes.
[8]. What's the longest relationship you've ever been in? Well, considering the tumultuous times and the fact that we broke up every week-point-five, anywhere from 6 months (officially official) to 9 months (unofficially official) to 15 months
[9]. Who was your last kiss? Scott, yesterday (aka forever ago)
[10]. Ever cheated on anyone? yes and that's why I would never do it again
[11]. Been cheated on? Not to my knowledge
[12]. Have you ever thought that you were in love? yes, more times than it was true
[13]. Ever been caught having sex? I'm going to go with YES here, see "Beta 'Look Nice' Party"
[14]. Have you ever slept with someone on the first date? by the definition of the term 'date,' no, but if this is asking whether I've slept with someone before we were officially together... I have several stories running through my head.
[15]. Do you look like your mom or dad? Probably, but I'll never know
[16] Have any siblings? I have one real sister, one technical sister, and over a hundred (slash 'thousands of') Kappa sisters
[17]. Do you smile often? Oh yeah
[18]. Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now? It's 1143... maybe no one is awake. But I like to think that my mom thinks of me =)
[19]. Could you be a vegetarian? No, that's why I'm in the Centre Carnivore Club. (it's so wierd to spell things with C's!)
[20]. Are you sentimental? I'm logical to a fault, but where I'm not logical, I make up for that fault by being OVERLY sentimental. But do I hang onto ticket stubs? No.
[24]. Ever thought someone was "the one"? No; I've wondered though
[25]. What is your middle name? O'Neal
[26]. Choose one to have (love, beauty, creativity): Love!
[27]. Do you wish on stars? No... I don't wish on birthday candles, 11:11, or eyelashes either.
[28]. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off? Nope, but I wear laced shoes maybe 50 days a year.
[29]. What is the most disgusting food you've ever eaten? CHOCOLATE COVERED GIANT ANT
[30]. Would you kill someone? Not just to answer this question
[31]. When did you last cry? Last night, because I cry all the time for no reason. Literally.
[32]. If you were making a movie about yourself, who would play you? How about YOU answer that.
[33]. Have you ever met anyone famous? Yes. Candace Cameron, Pitino, Davy Jones...
[34]. Do you like your handwriting? YES and I think about that all the time, as I told Ben Ray.
[35]. Who are you jealous of? Not many people, I'll tell you that
[36]. What is your favorite lunchmeat? as a lunch food with nothing done to it, pepper turkey. Fried- BALOGNA!
[37]. Do you have any bad habits? Ooh I second Jenn, I'm bad at remembering to take pills... and I have a bad memory in general... and I don't shave my legs often enough, and I pull out my eyelashes, and I don't look people in the eye a lot. And more.
[38]. Are you a friendly person? To people I want to be friendly to
[39]. Do you regret anything? Ummm there are some things I'm like "Man, I shouldn't have done that," but I wouldn't use the word regret.
[40]. If you could be with anyone this very second, who would you be with? Besides a naked Steven Tyler? I guess I'll settle for naked boyfriend, or maybe Leigh Bradford by the pool sipping margaritas (not naked), or "the girls" at Ann's or Ginger's
[41]. If you could go back in time, what would you do? Relive the 60's like 10 times.
[42]. What's the one thing someone has given you that you will never let go of? Well I would have said my dog Dippy... but let's see. MY CROSS NECKLACE, my blue sweatshirt, several sweet notes...
[43]. If you could choose one topic to talk about all day, what topic would you choose? NOT philosophy. I hate discussing philosophy. In fact, I don't think I could stay on one topic all day...