Tunebuds vs Earthumps - Both by Griffin

Jul 19, 2008 09:29

My kid destroys everything I own. I have had two separate sets of Earthumps, and my husband is running around with the second pair. They work, but the wires up by the ear pieces are damaged. Otherwise, I would take them back from him.

I went to my local Mac store, which is where I had bought them in the first place. They didn't have them or anything like it, so I decided to ask. It never hurts. They looked them up and said that they are now called Tunebuds at 29.99, instead of what they were, 19.99. Ouch!

I had them ordered, and I just picked them up, yesterday. I went to Starbuckie's this morning and tried them on. I thought that they sounded different. My husband stopped by, and he had his pair in the car. I tested my theory.

I was listening to one song (Before Today - Everything But The Girl) with a lot of bass in it, and sure enough, there was a significant difference in the bass quality between the two. I am pissed. Not only was the bass down, but the treble sounds were up. I am extremely sensitive to treble. It hurts my ears.

I told my husband that I will have to make an adventure on Ebay to find the old ones. I just bought an old, but new, pair from someone in Canada. Can't wait to get them!
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