I was a little shocked when I found that I was free from work this weekend. Two days off. In a row, even. As a result, I slept for an obscene amount of my available time, and I spent most of the rest of it nice and warm inside. It's been great. I think I've completely staved off that cold I was fighting, so I've been EFFICIENT, not lazy.
During my downtime, I reread
turnippatch's Axiomatic and Additive Identity. They, well, felt different than the last time I read them, but I suspect that's because I've been quite removed from the fandom. They were still quite gripping, though. I think they're still my favourite stories from Heero's POV.
I watched a couple movies with my parents. Most of them were dumb, commercial-ridden things on TV, but last night we rented Gunless. I don't think I've enjoyed a movie that much in a while, but I'm glad I watched it with them because no one else seems to understand my appreciation of Canadian humour.
I also went outside and took stupid pictures of the sky. No, no good shots of Jupiter, yet. It's too damn cold out.
I also spent a bit of time completing last week's updates to the Lapto Islands website. Well, nearly completing. I'd intended to wrap this bout up before the end of the year, but work really had me drained (this is turning into a generic excuse), and I think I've spent more time just staring at the page for Obsidian than I have actually writing anything. I don't know why. I know exactly what I need to do, and it's not a lot of work. It's just not happening.