Another snippet! Yay. I love these. Not really, but oh well. Wrote this in maybe half an hour to forty minutes. This one is for the Periodic Writing Contest, and the three prompts I picked were:
Memory + Decay + Innocence.
Originally only memory and innocence, but decay shoved itself in there, so. Anyway, enjoy.
If she could remember
If she could just remember those three magic words, maybe she could return to her childhood. She remembered a time when she played with her dolls, created a world for them, and no matter what crazy danger she dreamed up to create a crisis, there was always something, some magic word, that brought harmony and peace back to their world. The bad guys could kidnap the princess, kill the prince’s friends, but somehow he would always find his way to her and rescue her. There was no such thing as a bad ending. It was courage, magic, fate, that protected them, and nothing would ever truly be hopeless, because no matter what they went through, they would still love each other.
If she could remember, her thoughts could be preoccupied by the field of daisies near her home instead of the filth that surrounded her now, creating a stench that drove away even merciful strangers. She could envision the fairies, her invisible friends, who danced, circling over her head solely for her entertainment. She would not have to see the flies that buzzed lazily over her matted hair. Her legs would work again, and she could walk away from the terrible hand life had dealt her.
She closed her eyes. If she could remember.