So, Game Day was a complete bust...
So. Long story short, Mrs Renkey's poppyseed roll has pecans in it (Renkey didn't think there were). I, for some strange reason, took an apparently huge bite when I tried it. And promptly confirmed that there were nuts in it. Took 2 Claritin. And 2 Benadryl. And then 4 Benadryl chewables. All within about 10 minutes of exposure.
Breathing problems? Nope.
Swelling face or mouth? Nope.
Blow nose...any swelling? Nope.
Spit? Oh yeah.
Snot? Of course.
Stomach hurts? Well, duh.
I'm okay. Uncomfortable, but okay.
Scalp itches...don't panic
Can't swallow my milk anymore. (About 20 minutes post exposure.)
"We need to go." This announcement was met by several, "Oh God" and a couple of "shit" exclamations.
ER gave me epinephrine (my epi-pens were out of date), and then prednisone after the throat swelling went down. Discharged after 2 hours, prescriptions in hand.
Proceeded with Game Day. I basically snoozed in between my turns, and the guys ribbed Renkey relentlessly about trying to kill me. Renkey threw the game. Now, I don't KNOW if it was connected, but I don't recall Renkey throwing the game before.
I TOLD him it wasn't his fault, it's my responsibility, I screwed up, that I DIDN'T almost die, and that I was fine (after we got home). I don't think it helped. Any suggestions?