I am very pleased to present my artwork for the wonderful story "
The Tree of Life" by
Ladydeathfaerie! It is my first time participating as an artist in a BigBang and I am so greateful that Ladydeathfarie took a chance on me for this
Marvel Big Bang 2014.
There were many wonderful scenes to choose from in this story, but ultimately one jumped out at me to the point where I started as soon as I'd finished reading. I'll start by posting that one and then jumble the rest below for your viewing pleasure :)
(warning: story spoilers, rated: G)
I had so much fun sketching Cayleigh as she morphed into a tree. So much so that, while figuring out photoshop (I give sooooo many kudos to everyone who knows how to use that program!) I couldn't decide on the ultimate outcome and ended up with two final images. So, here's the less touched up but brighter version:
and because I like metaphors:
and because I couldn't stop there here is a tiny acorn as a potential scene divider ( or maybe just because I like nuts...)
and finally the chapter titles:
...and so ends my art. Cheers.