SPN 7x16 "Out With The Old" rant

Mar 24, 2012 18:56

OCD is kicking in again and I need to get this episode done before I get to "The Born-Again Identity" so... here we go!

Out with the Old... well, I liked it okay. I mean, it’s not my favourite but it’s definitely one of the more enjoyable episodes of the season. So let’s get on to my bullet points;

+ The ballerina scene at the beginning - That was a fucking weird-ass scene! I wasn’t sure I liked it when she started spinning like crazy near the end but when it showed the close-up of her busted feet and the clean slippers along to the Swan Lake music, I knew I loved it. Perfect opening scene!

+ Dean and Sam discussing Lucifer - Sam was just too tired to fire back proper comebacks and Dean was concerned that the hand thin wasn’t working which I liked the mention of. Also, wasn’t the snowy pier such an awesome background for a scene? I really loved that.

+ The little girl kicking Dean in the face - that may be just me but I laughed my head off at her going “sorry! Sorry” as she kicked him in the nose.

+ Dean’s urge to dance - Ohhhh the shoes were following Dean! I would have LOVED to have seen the behind the scenes of this episode! I’ll bet everyone really wanted Jensen to put on the shoes haha

+ Dean loving Black Swan - Doesn’t surprise me. At. All.

+ The Antiques guy - he was great, I don’t know why I liked him so much but I did! I wonder if he became a hunter after this or if he’s just laying low forever??

+ Cursed Kettle - that was clever how the camera panned over the old meat grinder and the knives and stuff, very misleading! And then the kettle? You know it’s almost enough to put me off my tea... almost... actually not really... it actually made me want even more tea.... is that weird?

+ The Gramophone - it was creepy as! I liked it talking to Timmy - although, generic little boy’s name much?

+ The cursed porn mag - Dean. No really. I need to know. I’m sure it’s disgusting and horrific and all but I fucking NEED to know!!

+ Cursed objects in general - I love that as an idea for an episode, I’m just kinda sad it wasn’t there for the entire episode. Not that the Leviathan part wasn’t enjoyable in it’s own way, I just liked the first half of the episode more.

+ The two Leviathans - they were pretty funny actually. I felt bad for George but Joyce? The actress looked like she was loving every minute of her job and I couldn’t blame her, she was cool.

+ Sam sleeping at the wheel - As much as I liked this scene ARGH!! SAMMY NO!! But at the same time, why wasn’t Dean concerned with Sam nearly getting into a crash with a truck cos of Lulu? I would’ve assumed that part came up in conversation?

+ More Dean and Sam discussion of Lucifer - singing Stairway to Heaven 50 times?? That song’s like ten minutes long! And I’ll bet Lucifer was air-guitaring halfway through it LMAO Though that really would be annoying after a while, wouldn’t it?

+ The coffee run - Don’t say eat me to a Leviathan stupid coffee man! Although Frank’s “don’t tempt me” made me laugh, it was so irritated. You could practically feel the vein popping on his forehead.

+ Sam wielding a sword - Sam, keep the sword. You look like a BAMF with it! And is it just me or does anyone else think that Dragonslayer Sam should’ve pulled out the sword in Season 6?? I’m sure he could’ve done it although I wouldn’t have traded Dean’s ultimate FAIL for anything.

+ George helping the guys - I LIKE George! He’s my favourite Leviathan by far even if he wanted to eat Joyce... that was gross. But I still like George.

+ Frank - Aww, I loved Frank! “Can a dog play poker?... the answer’s yes!” What a guy! He was such a grumpy grouchy person! I’m holding out hope that he’s still alive maybe cos no body? ... unless he was eaten... aww Frank....

+ Bad Moon Rising - I like the use of music but not this song. It belongs to the Season 1 finale as much as “You Shook Me All Night Long” belongs to the opening recap of Season 4 - come on Season 7! Get  your own music, PLEASE?!?!

+ The cure for cancer - I really don’t know what to make of this? Is it maybe to boost trust in their brand? To make humans taste nicer without their diseases? To prolong their food supply? I dunno... strange ending.

All in all, I enjoyed the episode. I was a little confused by the need to combine the cursed objects case with a Leviathan storyline cos it seemed strange but I liked them both in their own right.

So yes, good episode :)

spn, episode rants

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