Dec 03, 2011 15:47
First of all guys, HOLY CHRIST DID THIS EPISODE MAKE ME CRY!!! I haven’t cried so much at SPN since “Swan Song”. I was a little dubious when I heard it was gonna be focused so much on Bobby and not on our two main boys, but considering how much I loved Weekend at Bobby’s I let that dubiousness slip and I’m glad I did because it was so good. Really, I mean, wow.
I’m gonna gush a bit but I think that’s a given in this situation. Here’s what I liked the most (not really in any kind of order);
+ Sam and Dean’s terror whilst trying to find out if Bobby’s still alive. Dean screaming if he’s alive and Sam shouting that he knows what to do. I mean, the grief and the panic and the terror is just palpable and kudos to J2 for really showing all that in a few brief moments.
+ RUFUS AND BOBBY!!! RUFUS AND BOBBY!!! I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again; I love them together! They’re like an older Sam and Dean (Bobby being Sam and Rufus being Dean, of course) they have such camaraderie, both the characters and the actors who play them so it was a delight to see them back together...and to see Rufus flirting with the nurse! HAH!
+ “This is what happens. I climb into your custard and fish you out” says the Reaper ............ fish custard? Doctor Who? I’m choosing to see this as a reference :D also with the stars going out I was thinking that it was Davros and the Daleks again ... I’ll be quiet about Doctor Who now.
+ Chuck Norris vs Jet Li - my absolute favourite thing EVER!! Sorry Sam and Jet Li, I love you both but Dean is so right. Chuck Norris can slam revolving doors, so no contest.
+ The Reaper. Did anyone else think he resembled our favourite prophet Chuck? Just me? Oh well... but he looked so old timey, I really liked him. My first thought was actually that this was Chronos and not a reaper but that was because of the fob watch. :P
+ A few things about locations. Was the church the same church from “Houses of the Holy” and was the hospital room the same room as in “Appointment in Samarra”?? Cos I was kinda bouncing happily at the thought that they might be ^^
+ Bobby’s house! BOBBYS HOUSE GUYS!! I MISS IT!! Also, did i see a book labelled “incubus” on the shelf? Cos I see possibilities for future episodes hurr hurr! My slash fan is showing XD
+ Bobby throwing ball with a young Dean and then arguing with John on the phone about it. Oh Bobby, you are so like a second dad to the boys, Bobby and John are like having a custody battle over them.
+ Bobby’s wife! Aww guys ;A; When she first appeared on the scene, I was kinda thinking she was gonna reveal she was pregnant or something but then I thought that would’ve made life EVEN MORE depressing so I was kinda glad she didn’t. Then she revealed Bobby didn’t want kids and my heart tore out!
+ Dick and Dean. “You’re either laughing because you’re scared or because you’re stupid.” THIS. RIGHT HERE. YES! Also... dude, all those people pulling out their camera phones? Doesn’t Dean remember that he was wanted for mass murder not too long ago? But then again, grief can make you forget things like that. Except Dick just admitted, not exactly too quietly, that he shot Bobby and was recorded. You ain’t grieving leviathan! Why you so stupid? Oh right... what Dean said...
+ Dean punching the glass by the organ donor guys head. That was very powerful, like very powerful. I’ve punched one of those before and it fucking hurts and the damn thing was still intact but the shock of it really shook me during that bit. But I had a small problem with this episode in that, I dunno, I think there was maybe TOO much focus on Dean in this episode and not enough on Dean AND Sam. Not saying that as anything against Dean because I love some Dean manpain as much as the next person but I would've liked more of a balance between Sam and Dean's grief in the episode. But then I saw...
+ ... That tiny, TINY moment where Sam just sits on the chair with his hands in front of his face and then he pinches his palm and then just stares in front of him. I swear, that single moment made me feel so much for him. His quiet grief is just heartbreaking.
+ Bobby standing up to his abusive father. Hell to the yeah. I’m so proud of him for that, really I am. I know Bobby had it rough in his past but man, that was brutal. It was really hard to watch his past with his father but what Bobby said; “I adopted two boys. And they grew up great. They grew up heroes. So you can go to hell!” - I want this like, all over fandom right the hell now!
+ Idgits. Just.... idgits. <3
+ The very last scene. All of it. When it comes down to it, the small moments really are the most important and most cherished. Even though it was a classic Sam and Dean moment that usually would have made me snort and laugh (and i did in fact wonder why Dean was arguing about liquorice when there was no pie! Eww liquorice....), I was in a fit of tears at Bobby’s proud expression as he watched them and then the boys just fade away and the reapers watch and-and... even thinking about that moment really makes me well up!
So yes, an absolutely beautiful episode that leads us into... HELLATUS?!?! NOOOO!!! BOBBY WHY!?!?!? I shall go buy a Singer Salvage Yard t-shirt just to cherish our beloved grumpy old hunter because he better not die!!
So long to wait to see more... I hate Hellatus.
Also i know everyones going on about that part at the end of the promo with Sam getting bitten but I don’t think that’s a vampire because the teeth aren’t like needles, they’re thicker like werewolf thick... there was also a full moon in the promo so holy craaaap! My love of were!Winchesters is showing haha And I also think that was Dean in a zoot suit! So Dean’s the one time-travelling? But I wanted to see Sam in a zoot suit :(
episode rants