Nov 11, 2003 01:00
It has been forever since I last updated.. I have just not felt up to it for so long. I have been pretty busy it seems as of late, the life of a solider is pretty erratic. Have been through some cool training in the past few weeks, but mostly I have been working checking people's IDs as they come on to the base. The coolest training was getting Combat Lifesaver qualified, which allows me to give people IVs! It was pretty cool training.
Pretty boring stuff checking IDs.. "How you doing?" Look at the id. "Thank you, have a good day!" then on to the next one. One does this for TEN hours a day.. You get pretty bored. The only saving grace is that you get frequent breaks. I bought a Game-boy just for the breaks, keeps me somewhat sane. It pays pretty well but if I was going to be activated I would have rather gone over seas to Iraq or Afghanistan. I think it would make me feel more productive at least. I guess someone has to stay home and hold the fort..
The coolest thing happened to me the other day. I was guarding some fighter jets and there was a mix of 50 rabbits and prairie dogs just sitting out in the open munching
on stuff not really paying attention. I saw this huge Red tailed hawk swoop down and nab a prairie dog! I walked over pretty close (15 meters or so)to see him munching on this dog, all he did was look at me and went back to enjoying his meal. I watched until he finished and he then took off and landed on a nearby Airplane tail about 12 feet of the ground. Now I was feeling pretty bold and I decided to see how close I could get to him before he flew off. I was able to get with in 8 feet of him!! He just looked down at me every now and then and sat there looking around! It was pretty neat to be that close to a totally wild Raptor. I know what Stormdancer feels like now. Alas this was not the coolest part of this story. The coolest thing was when he started to preen himself. He got to his left wing and there was a white and black primary kinda sticking out of place. He pulled it out, looked me dead in the eye, and dropped it! It landed a few feet away from me! I picked it up and he went back to preening, he flew off a little while later. It was pretty cooool!
But it is time for bed now.. More stories latter. I am gonna try and make myself post more often.