Aug 24, 2009 12:14
Just an update on things. On thursday, my sister had a stroke, we didnt find out about this till friday and I flew down saturday to see her. I will be gone for the week, returning on Sunday the 30th.
So far she seems to be getting a little better each day, but the arteries in her neck are pretty clogged up, one is 100% clogged, another they think is about 50% clogged, and the third is maybe 25% clogged. Sadly she is only 35, and its pretty uncommon for someone her age. Her speech slowly seems to be coming back as well as the strength in her arm. For a while she was having a hard time talking and would confuse her words. They are still running tests to see how bad it is and shes going to need surgery. Most likely that will be tomorrow. We are really hoping she pulls through on this. If you want to please send your prayers or good vibes.
I'm staying with my parents for now and will be here for the next week, if anyone in Tulsa wants to get together, give me a call.
PS: Corey post something interesting! I need stuff to read, or just things to make me giggle! :P