Here's week 79 voting~
Poll Week 79 Voting Also, I'm going to revise the community rules soon, as they need it. Badly. But of course I'm going to make a mod post about what changes I want to make and if you're ok with them, plus give you a chance to put your own input on what you'd like to see. Also, suggestions for themes and ideas to get participation up will be included of course. I have to prepare the post, but look out for it in the next week or so, it's important as we really need to get away from having only 3 or 4 people submit each week. That's kind of ridiculous. Hell, if you have ideas already you can leave a comment anytime
here for theme suggestions (it would be really helpful!) or just leave one on this post (or whatever one is the newest at the time.) about whatever is on your mind. I just want to hear your thoughts somehow - This community is here for you guys to enjoy after all! I know I haven't been a fantastic mod, but I still love this place, and I'd like to change it for the better!