Warning! Rant! I'm angry and tired. Just ignore it if you don't want to read it.
- I miss opening the cafe on weekends. I get it; I pwnz at closing on friday/saturday/sunday nights. But seriously, I like seeing the sun go down once and a while.
- A "Hey, thanks for helping the bookstore keep their shit together when they close" once and a while would be nice. Also, how about noticing my awesome percentage once and a while. 5.39 for a cafe drawer is pretty damn hot. I'm just saying.
- Customers who show up at 9:20, don't know what you want, then order three frappes, then have the decency to tell me to hurry and not tip.....I HATE YOU.
- I also hate customers who put the money on the table, instead of handing it to me. I DON'T HAVE THE CANCERS! YOU CAN TOUCH ME!
- Lastly, mom and dad, please stop getting mad at me for pointless shit. Yes, I'm going to be tired after work, and no, I'm not going to want to go watch the race at your friends house, and yes, I'm going to stay up til 3 in the morning if I damn well please. If this makes me a bad daughter, so be it.
I'm just gonna sit here, eat my delicious cook-out food, watch this stupid drew barrymore movie, and then sleep. Word.