(no subject)

Jul 01, 2008 11:24

So I had my history final this morning. I won't know my final grade for a while, but upon adding up all my points, I discovered that I only need a 12% on the final to get a B in the class. Once I turned it in, I opened up my computer and dropped the two classes I was scheduled to take next month.

Now, this utterly blows to hell my original plan of coming back with extra units so that I wouldn't have to take as many classes senior year. But, though I've done well in this class, it's left me a nervous wreck. I've been barely keeping up with the reading and all the papers, and it's taken up pretty much all the time I have that isn't spent at work. When the book I needed to read for the paper that was due last Thursday disappeared out of the Maliboomer office, I had to get a different one, read it in one night, and write a paper to turn in the next day. I got about two hours of sleep. The original book reappeared last night at scheduling. Fuckers.

The stress of school, combined with working full-time, figuring out what the hell is going on with my internet, and trying to find time to see my fiance, is killing me. Something's got to give. I now have the minimum of credits that I need to return to Pomona, so I don't need to be in school anymore.

So, for the first time in three years, it's time for my goddamn summer vacation.
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