
Apr 03, 2011 20:15

I've been meaning to do this for about a month now, I think. I have a million other things to do, probably stuff I don't even know about, but whatever, I'll do this first.

Let's see... well, I guess I should quickly go over winter quarter, huh? Umm... I took two of my business minor classes, Managing Human Resources and Marketing, then Japanese, and Acting. Acting was supposed to be for fun, plus I've always been told that I'd probably be good at it, but I found it to be quite the opposite, especially since most of the class revolved around creating improv scenes. So, I spent every day in class increasingly stressed out and insecure about my inability to think on the spot, but, my classmates and my teacher were really cool and funny, so at least I enjoyed being around them. Still, it was very hard to come across something that I just couldn't do, no matter how hard I tried. Up until now, most things regarding the arts have come very naturally to me, but not this. So, unless I have a reallllly good reason to try again, I'm pretty sure that was the beginning and end of my acting career. Japanese was Japanese as usual, and the business classes were like bashing my head against a wall. Still, thanks to extra credit, I managed to get good grades.

At the end of the week before finals, I went to a Lady GaGa concert! (This was my first time at a professional concert since I saw the Backstreet Boys in St. Louis around 1997, so I was excited for several reasons.) I had a pretty crappy seat, far up and near the side of the stage, so I could hardly see her face, but I had a great time once the show finally got started. Of course there was plenty to look at all over the stage, all kinds of props and background dancers and stuff. Near the end I was so keyed up that I was up and dancing around for most of my favorite songs, even though the people on both sides of me mostly stayed seated. I wish I had been with friends and/or a little closer to the stage, so I could feel more like I was a part of the action, but oh well, that's a lesson learned for next time. Hopefully the next time I see a professional concert I'll have a job, and so have enough money to shell out another couple hundred dollars for a better seat.

(...My i key isn't working very well, by the way, so f I'm missing any i's, I apologize. Geez, this thing is not even a year old, and 'm already having trouble with the keyboard. Sigh.)

Spring Break, once I was finally done with fnals, was awesome, but too short, as always. I shopped a lot, for cosplay stuff, and for suits for intervews that haven't even been scheduled yet. I was told I absolutely need a suit, and a boring one at that, so that was really hard for me, ignoring the more fashionable styles for somethng generic. Ugh. All that money, for stuff I don't even want to wear. But I found two that fit me okay, so I'm set. Then on the very last full day I found this awesome frilly thing I'll wear for Easter, so that was exciting. Other than that, I played piano, avoided the Internet and texting, because I still hate texting, and watched movies and stuff with Phillip. (Oh, and since Phillip decided to pretty much go vegan for all forty days of Lent, instead of getting to eat all my favorite foods, I had to eat a bunch of vegan stuff almost the entire time. Not that I mind vegetables or anything, I just didn't want to cause such a nasty upheaval in my diet, since I have all kinds of digestive problems as it is. So, of course, when I did get a chance to eat meat, after days of none at all, my stomach would get upset. >.< I hope he never does something crazy like this again.) I got to hang out with some of his friends, both old and new, which was nice. I don't have any close friends in Cincinnati yet, and his are usually really cool. A big group of us went to see the midnight premiere of Sucker Punch, and it seems I'm the only one of about 15 people who liked it. (I think it's because I came in with fairly realistic expectations. It seems they were hoping for something more profound, but I could tell from the trailers that it was just going to be chicks kicking ass in unrealistic ways. And it was, but at least I had fun watching it.)

And then this first week of class was total hell. I spent the first two days in between classes literally running from one end of campus to another trying to get some problems with my meal plan and my statement of account in order. Long story short, for no good reason I suddenly owed the school a whole lot more than I usually do, because my loans weren't kicking in, because I have too many credit hours (because I transferred). My mom and I had to scrape up about $7000 in a matter of hours in order to pay my bill and avoid late fees while I waited to get my loans to come in again. We paid, and after I did some paperwork I got my loans back, and I'm waiting for those ridiculous charges to be refunded. About half has come through so far, but if for some reason the rest doesn't come in soon, I'm afraid I have some more irate calls and office visits ahead of me. The worst part is, basically none of this would happen if the school would just FUCKING DO THEIR JOBS instead of waiting for problems like this to come up without even telling me. I had thought that since I was able to register for classes without getting any holds or warning E-mails that I was fne, but clearly I was wrong. Ugh.

This is my very last quarter at OSU. I'm taking my last two required business classes, Finance and Operations Management, the first of which is shaping up to be a mathematical nightmare, and Painting. The painting class is mostly focused on oil paintng, which I've never done before, but I've always wanted to try. So far I think I like the relative simplicity of acrylic painting better, but who knows? Once I get used to it, I might really like it. My grandmother paints, and she's told me that acrylic and oil painting are like comparing cotton and silk. The colors are so much smoother and brighter in oil. We'll see how I fare. I decided not to take Japanese, because it has a way of just getting in my way at this point. Trying to make the deadlines always feels more like covering my ass than actually learning anythng anymore. Plus, the sensei teaching it is very nice, but I don't appreciate how she makes me switch books and genres all the time. It's too hard to find stuff at my difficulty level as it is, and I want to finish somethng before I go on to the next thing, you know? But I wll try to keep readng the stuff I have on my own time, f I ever find any.

Thank God for manga club and cosplay club. Those are the only times I get to hang out with people with similar interests to mine now, since I'm no longer in Japanese (language OR literature) classes. The kids in the business classes drive me crazy.

Still haven't really started looking for a job yet. I don't care what it is, as long as it pays well and it's in Cincinnati,so I can move back in with my parents. I have no interest in living alone anywhere again for a long time. Also, I want to pay off my loans, or at least get a good chunk of them off my shoulders, before I rack up any other big debts. This scare with my account finally instilled some fear in me about not having enough money for emergencies...

I've been rewatching some old anime favorites lately, like Cowboy Bebop and Gundam Wing. Great memories there. Next on my list is FMA, which I only went through once, so it'll probably be almost like new. I need to watch the new series as well, but for some reason I just haven't felt like starting yet.

I've started work on my Princess Ai cosplay accessories. I'm hoping to enter the Ohayocon cosplay contest next year as her (this outfit, from Volume 1:, and this time I'm going to make sure I start early and have plenty of time to do it right. I don't know or care too much if I can win, I just want to have that experience of competing at least once.

Thanks to this, my writing's been going nowhere, but I do have plenty of ideas going around in my head. I just need time to write it out.

As scared as I am of the future, I cannot wait to be out of here. I think my mental state will improve a lot once I'm in a place I can call home for more than three months out of a year.

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