The Editing Letter

May 07, 2009 10:05

In case you haven't seen this yet (I saw it on difrancis ' lj)

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Re: Double score! aeriedraconia July 22 2009, 01:26:31 UTC
How it all started...
I'd started reading my grandpa's SF and fantasy books at about age 12 and loved them. That was the beginning. Later, around junior high age, I first heard about D&D (my gen played AD&D)but I never had an opportunity to play until 9th grade when we moved from out in the county into the the local small city. When I finally found the local group of nerds/geeks I got to play it and was like a whole new world had opened up and also that that elusive 'thing' I'd been craving was handed to me. I dove in and never looked back. Most often I was the only female in the group and I was fortunate that none of the boys/men I gamed with were trolls.
We played AD&D most often but I did get to play in the Palladian FRPG system, Rolemaster and a couple of other odd ones. My favorite characters to play were Elven thieves or assassins and the old stand by fighter (not too exciting but you could create those characters and be ready to play quickly which was the whole point).
I think the reason I didin't see more females in my generation playing was the stigma of the nerd label, the fear of D&D being demon worshipping and the whole boobie art aspect is a big turn off esp as a young girl in a room full of boys. Aside from banning boobie art another thing that would help draw in more girls is a mandatory hygene class for the boys: You will wash everyday, wear deoderant and NO FARTING! ;-)
ETA: I should probably confess that I'm an old gamer chick nowadays and haven't played D&D for a few years. I now play single player PC games like NWN.


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