Writing Biz Knowlege Input Needed

Dec 05, 2008 18:23

Dear FList,

I need your collective advice in response to a post in a community I maintain  that someone is being published by Author House and that they recommend going the self publishing route  if the regular publishers were too elusive.

In good conscience I thought I'd point to writer_beware for starters.  What would you say to the people possibly ( Read more... )

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woodrunner December 6 2008, 13:43:25 UTC
I agree both of the other comments and can't add anything more, they put in some very good, thoughtful advice and things to think about ( ... )


heleninwales December 6 2008, 15:18:01 UTC
Just wanted to second what the others have said really. There is a definite place for self-publishing, but it is not the route to a career as a professional novelist ( ... )


aeriedraconia December 6 2008, 18:23:14 UTC
"There is a definite place for self-publishing, but it is not the route to a career as a professional novelist."

That's a biggie.

Oh hey, I like the examples you've given for what works well as a self-publishing venture and what doesn't. Thanks.


heleninwales December 7 2008, 15:24:08 UTC
Some people just condemn self-publishing out of hand, but that's almost as bad as saying it's wonderful and everyone should go down that route if a publisher doesn't snap up their novel right away. There are circumstances where it's the way to go.

Another downside of self-publishing novels that I didn't mention is that sometimes you need to be saved from yourself. Putting out a bad or even just a mediocre book now might come back to haunt her should she improve as a writer and get a professional contract in the future.


aeriedraconia December 7 2008, 17:37:32 UTC
My first instinct was, "No, don't do it!". Then, I realized that I was thinking in terms of MY publishing goals and that those goals might not be the same as everyone elses.

Yes, Save us from ourselves! When I look back (eight years ago) at the very first draft of my very first attempt at a novel, I cringe. At the time I thought I was doing a pretty good job. I DID know it wasn't perfect but I still thought it was pretty good. Thankfully, I never considered self-publishing an option because, to me, it wouldn't have counted as really being published. So, I never inflicted my horrible creation on anyone but two good friends of mine who had to read it. ;-)


green_knight December 6 2008, 18:31:04 UTC
This story proves once more that ultimately, readers want *something* from a story. Sometimes - as is the case with Twilight or the DaVinci Code - that 'something' does not equal what I would class as 'good writing' but if people are entertained by it and don't mind the flaws, that's fine.

If a book does not deliver any of those things, then people won't buy it and won't reccommend it to their freidns. This includes people who get sent a copy in order to review it - and no reviewer is going to *buy* a book so they can publicise it. People who review books for the love of it tend to want to say either that it's rotten or fantastic - and most self-published books tend to be at the lower end of the spectrum.


aeriedraconia December 6 2008, 15:56:09 UTC
I didn't see the note at the bottom of the post saying that they were going to screen comments. Not cool. Was that a late addition or did I not read carefully last night?

I'll be back (after I've showered and had some coffee) to respond the the main points of your post and the others' posts as well.


woodrunner December 6 2008, 18:21:24 UTC
When I saw the post last night at around, ah, 10-11 PM EST, it already had the EDIT/added note.

But, yes, definitely not cool. My knee-jerk reaction to people who screen comments in an open community (such as the one I created/moderate) is to delete the post. Why screen? If people want to show how helpful, civil, even-minded they are... or how much of a massive, trolling jerk they can be, let them. I can understand not wanting to be on the receiving end of the short stick, or being dumped with hostilities, but I believe in free speech, and if you post something possibly inflammatory on the web, you have to be ready for the consequences.

(my two cents)


aeriedraconia December 6 2008, 18:31:20 UTC
I'm on West coast time so I missed the edit.
I asked the poster to unscreen the comments so people could read everything.
The topic if self-publishing is so interesting and really needs to be talked about so people can make informed decision that will best fit their goals.


green_knight December 6 2008, 20:11:42 UTC
It currently includes a note to the Mod.

If I were you, I'd ask them to open comments and also add that you will not allow nasty and vindictive behaviour, but that in the interest of the community, you want to see an open discussion - they're free to screen on their own LJ, but not in your community.

Also, that large banner in the post? Looks like an advert to me...


aeriedraconia December 7 2008, 02:25:29 UTC
Yes, I did ask her to unscreen comments.

Yep, that banner looks like an advert to me too but I'm picking my battles.


aeriedraconia December 6 2008, 18:11:50 UTC
Yes, I agree with you on everything you said here.
I don't think it promotes an exchange of information or ideas to filter comments to fit one point of view only.

I do want to present the pros and cons of self-publishing so people can make informed decisions and not just run on incomplete info or bad info.

Great points, thank you.


woodrunner December 6 2008, 18:22:48 UTC
hah, I think we posted at the same time and I never got this one comment.

I don't see the harm in opening up a new post -- maybe a few days down the road to detach it from this one -- to put the pros and cons of self-publishing and open it up to discussion?


aeriedraconia December 6 2008, 18:34:31 UTC
*laughs* We're chasing each other. :-)

Yes, I'm roughing out that post right now. Good suggestion to give it a few days before I actually post it.


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