It's been fun this past month or so. Dad's been moved to an assisted living place and seems to like it, though I'm the one spending the money to make it liveable. Story of my life, no? He was doing fine until someone asked him to dance this past weekend and he did, falling while doing so, with the pain getting to the point of him being taken to the hospital Friday night and finding out he cracked a tailbone vertebrae. Hopefully the pain killers and muscle relaxers will help him heal, as he's now bound to the wheelchair again for a week or two, if not more.
Got to freak out my coworkers on Halloween with my awesome makeup effects. I had to tone down the gore, which is no fun, but oh well. No contest this year, though, as there is no more 'culture committee' in BAC. It was worth it to see some cringe when they'd look at me.
Other than that, it's been work, home, sleep, and start over again. Went to Texas Renaissance Festival with Alicia, tried honey mead, loved it, must have more. We've obtained a new cat/kitten a few weeks ago and, since no one has posted missing cat posters, have taken in the little stinker. The other cats are still highly indignant at the interloper, who is surprisingly oblivious to their growls and swipes.
Other than that, it's been quiet, which is all I can hope for at this time.