The coolness that is chrisondra

Dec 01, 2004 09:09

I knew Becky'd be the first to jump on the bandwagon. I know her so well!

What's great about Becky is, well, she's Becky. She's happy with the world and with herself, which is hard to come by these days. She's about as optimistic as they get, and her outlook on the world is far rosier than that of other people. That might sound like a handicap to some, but I think it's a beautiful thing. If more people were like her in that respect, it would be a much better world.

It doesn't matter what she's facing; Becky always seems to manage to come through it without losing her basic love of the world and humanity. This is partly due to the fact that she's a very stubborn person who will zealously defend her beliefs to whomever tries to bring her down. She doesn't like to get angry, and when she does, it's usually in defense of someone else. I've had her step up to the plate to defend me more than once, and I can't begin to say how much I appreciate it. It might not seem like it to people on here, but she can be like a wildcat once she gets her back up, and one of these days might just use those claws on someone. When she does, I have no doubt that it will be as she stands up for someone else, because that's just the kind of person she is. They say don't piss off the nice people, because you'll open a can of worms for which you're not prepared. That rings so true with Becky.

What else can I say about her but that I love her more than I can possibly express and that I'm honoured to have her as part of my family and part of my life. And hey, she's a great babysitter.

becky, meme

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