(no subject)

Oct 21, 2004 00:57

I have decided that Becky is weird. I don't know what she's on, but she's been sitting near me for the last hour and a half or so and acting really strange. She's acting like she gets when she's really tired, but she says she's not going to bed. Maybe I should kick Mike out and see if she tries to sleep. You people have no idea just how odd she can get. I'm considering consulting a doctor for her. After all, her grandmother was kind of nuts as she got older, and her dad is getting nuttier all the time. Perhaps it's hitting her early? She's just taking a different direction with it. She's going goofy instead of paranoid.

I've really gotten ahead on Christmas stuff. Today I got two packages in the mail full of stuff that I've ordered, and it feels good to know I don't have to rush for everything at the last minute. There's still quite a bit to go, but I'm way ahead of where I usually am. Yes, I am anxious for the Christmas season. I get that way. For some reason, it's stronger this year than most.

I get to go to the doctor again tomorrow, as it's started to become a weekly thing now. That means I can't sleep in too late. Poor me. Especially since I can't fall asleep very well these days and so I lie awake in bed trying to doze off. It hasn't worked very well thus far. That's probably partly because I am just so uncomfortable. It's tough to find a suitable position in which to sleep. I've also been getting really hot too, and it's been in the forties at night. I'm so hoping that this baby decides to hurry up and pop out. I'm ready anytime! She acts like she wants out, too. She does lots of pushing and hard kicking. She's just trying to figure out how to do it. Tomorrow I go pick up her crib and that will be nice to finally have here.

So yeah. That's it, I think. My tooth is hurting, though. I hope to get it dealt with sooooon. I hate toothaches. They totally suck.

oddness, baby, christmas, pain, becky

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