(no subject)

Aug 24, 2007 17:08

Okay. This is an important entry, and I hope you all read it and consider the favour I'm going to ask.

Most of you know that my newest cause has to do with the Jena 6 in Louisiana. Those of you newest to my friends list might be a little lost, but if you want to know more, please ask. Suffice it to say that there is a travesty of justice taking place in Louisiana, based deeply in racism against six young men whose freedom hangs in the balance, all because of the colour of their skin.

One of these, Mychal Bell, has been convicted of aggravated assault for a schoolyard fight, and faces many years in prison, His sentencing is September 20 (my birthday, ironically enough). Well, this young man, who is 18 now, I believe, needs to feel support from people.

I received an address at which to write him as he waits in jail for the time to come when he'll find out what his future holds. I got this from ColorofChange.org, who asks that people send letters of support to him. He needs to feel this, and I think it will help him to know that so many people stand behind him and really care about what's happening to him. I just wrote a letter to him, and I'm asking that as many of you who can do the same. My heart goes out to him, and I would like to see him get as many letters/postcards/cards with words of support on them as possible. Even if it's only a short note that says something like "I'm behind you all the way," it will help. Maybe it'll bring a smile to his face. I'm sure smiles are few and far between with him these days.

So write to him if you can. Tell him that you care. Let's show him that we can all stand together against injustice and are there for him, if only in spirit.

Write to him here:

Mychal Bell
Inmate, A-Dorm
LaSalle Correctional Center
15976 Highway 165
Olla, LA 71465-4801

If you can do this, great, and thank you very much. It's important to me that I can do even a little part to help.

Cross-posted to betherevolution

injustice, justice

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