I'm speechless right now, just, just speechless. This disgusts me. Do you realize this is the first time I've heard about such outwardly blatent disregards of this nature? Just... I'm not even sure what to say right now.
I know just how you feel. It's unbelievable. But this isn't a unique incident, and we need to get word out that this happens or they'll think they can keep getting away with it. Post it on your LJ if you can. At least tell people you know about it. Get the word out. Maybe it'll help. You'll at least know you've done something.
I want to scream, kick....flame and fly and....
oooooooo!!!!!! I'm so fucking pissed! Fucking...
I'm speechless right now, just, just speechless. This disgusts me. Do you realize this is the first time I've heard about such outwardly blatent disregards of this nature? Just... I'm not even sure what to say right now.
the Phoenix
there are several coms I'm in who wil eat this shit up. And I mean it in the nicest way possible. They'll be just as pissed as I am, and I mean that.
the Phoenix
Pissed off Phoenix=not nice phoenix! LOL ::evil, milicious grin::
the Phoenix
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