May 04, 2009 17:10
well, my first semester back is finally over, although i had pretty much mentally checked out a couple of weeks before it was over. i had been half considering switching schools and going for a doctorate in english, but as both allison and bloomer pointed out, i seem to have an existential crisis every four months; going from thing to thing and changing my mind constantly isn't working out. my life just seems to have so many directions it could go in that i've developed an inability to commit to anything. so i decided to stick with my current path and work on developing what i have here and now.
what else can i say? life is good. i have everything i need in my life - love, chocolate, and a kitty! also, my renewed love for the decemberists may have obsessive consequences if i keep listening to the same songs on repeat. i found a tick embedded in my side last night and freaked out - every other tick i've found quickly enough that it wasn't attached.
anyway, my rice seems incapable of cooking without boiling over, so i'm gonna go take care of that. ta ta!