I spent all day today writing on stories and reading back-posts in my
musevoices journal. I have ideas for nine novels in that journal. They are:
- The Boy from the Sea
- The Curse of Avriet
- The Devil's Due
- Ealdru
- The Hand of Vengeance
- Lightborn
- Mindsorter
- The Twice-Failed Quest
- Vendetta
Unfortunately, none of them are complete. I have very tantalizing beginnings, a couple that I wrote extensively on for NaNoWriMo but never finished. This is exactly the wrong kind of situation for me to be in, with the ADD. I have nine choices, and I can't make up my mind which to work on; I keep flitting from idea to idea. I even have more story ideas than this, if I'm willing to throw in an additional dark fantasy (Dakmir) and the Paul Graves fan fiction.
This is appalling; I didn't realize I had so many possible stories to work on, and none of them completed, none of them properly plotted out.
I'd love to do more with Boy from the Sea, but I'm not sure what, aside from the original idea of exiled prince caring for an orphaned, foreign prince and trying to hide the boy from the exile's brother.
The Curse of Avriet I feel like I'm shying away from because of the nature of the curse. The purpose of the curse is to corrupt a kingdom's people in every way possible. That gets into some stuff that is not PG-rated, and I do want to sell these books to mainstream readers.
I still totally love The Devil's Due. :) I just need to map out the plot.
The Premise for Ealdru is changing from what it originally was. I don't like the murder mystery idea that I had for it. I still want to write Aerden and Linorre in it, but the plot needs to be something else.
I'm working on The Hand of Vengeance currently, but I don't work on it every night, and that bothers me because it's not very disciplined. Despite the lack of self-discipline, I love this story.
Lightborn happens in the far past of Vendetta. They and Ealdru are in the 'Lost Ships' universe.
Mindsorter is on the back burner while I concentrate on Hand of Vengeance. I think I need to do a lot more worldbuilding for it.
I adore The Twice-Failed Quest mainly because I love the romance between Senara and Rinavek, so I am rooting for my three questors to succeed. But it is a very twisted, sad romance. At the moment, though, I have no idea how to save Rinavek and Senara. None.
Vendetta is not much in my mental radar at the moment, but I'm pretty confident that, once I turn my attention back to it, the spark will re-kindle.
I've got to figure out a system for working on these. I do not want to be someone who could have been a writer.