btw I wouldn't bother friending my journal if you want yaoi stuff, while I might talk about it once in awhile I mostly talk about anime. Nothing is flocked on this journal anyways.
5 awesome episodes in a row????!!!
Well again we have another episode of stuff was answered but now i have more questions episode. I am going to keep saying this but the OP has confirmed it, Tabuki is a creapozoid or will become one soon. Btw the new op is awesome, I wasn't nuts about the song to be honest, but I don't think I was terribly in love with the first OP song either. The lyrics are awesome it fits in with the anime so well, was in written for the anime?
This is just a guess from the OP cause the princess is sitting on top of the KIGA apple (so is sanetoshi) but the princess has the peguinforce label behind her. This might be a shot in the dark, but maybe the survival strategy kick in because of the apple (or the KIGA apple is the survival strategy or what initiates it anyways) because in episode 13 we see that himari has an apple. But the other two do not.
Also in the flashback episode we see that she goes to the library place when she is at the aquarium she was at the aquarium before. It seems to be on the same date that she got sick (and dad had to rush her to the hospital). Well I am just guessing here because they are wearing the same clothes in the picture as they are from the flashback. So I think that Sanetoshi has something to do when she was sick, or maybe she met that one kid there (the one that says "lets share the fruit of fate". Than when she goes back to the aquarium is what cause her other relapse?
Well either way, alot of people are talking about what type of abuse that happened to yuri. Well I think it doesn't really matter, she is obviously messed up from it whether it was rape or it was like some weird disfigurement thing (although she is a superstar and she is seen in basically is nothing but a towel and than naked by shouma (and although shouma is slow I think he would notice something like scars all over her body or something). Either way I think what I want to know about is Tabuki.
Btw shouma in yukata was awesome. I knew he was gonna save her (although it was kinda of failed), My second guess was Natsume saving her. But in the end I think people are right that Yuri had actually no plans on doing anything to Ringo in the first place? Btw why is yamashita like part of the faceless masses? Doesn't he seem to have alot of lines for someone with no face.
My real question is if what Momoka says is true, that no one notices when their fate changes, how come Tabuki and Yuri remember? Plt hole? or is it something along the lines of maybe she can make them remember if she wants to. I also feel like the brothers were created for Himari? Or something along those lines. Is this family love? I don't think so more like servant-master relationship. It also feels like that with yuri and tabuki with momoka.
Is interesting. I actually tried watching the previous series and was not impressed. Although I definetly think it was because of the high school setting. It just seems kind of dweebish or something. Fate/Zero is completely different I think. It's more intrigue/drama/plotting to kill each other etc. I did not read either mangas, so I do not know anything from them. But I think I might try again to watch them.