Oct 11, 2014 01:26
Now my friend just got a babysitting job that will pay $400 a week and she is only going to work 4 days a week. I maybe made that in a whole month this summer. I feel like I need a job so can have some more money after I graduate but I don't even know where to look or if possible considering how demanding my classes are in terms of homework. I am getting very good grades in all of my classes so far and don't want to jeopardize that... My friend is just barely passing some of her classes. One of her classes she needs at least 60% on tests to pass and on the last 2 she has gotten 63-65% on the tests so she is passing by the skin of her teeth. I don't want to end up like that, I want to continue to do good in my classes.
I just did some looking on Google about babysitter scams (these actually are real?) and it sounds like this is a relative common thing. Some people say they are moving from somewhere and send info to potential babysitter and whatever else and the employer sends the babysitter a check but it turns out to be a bad one.
It just seems that someone to pay $400 a week is almost too good to be true. I hope for her sake it's not a scam. Even if someone is very rich that seems a bit much to pay for a babysitter... I don't think she has met her employer yet...