Since Friday things have been pretty derailed May Cure-wise. I've been sick. No very sick but sick enough that, as Willipus would say, I'm out of puff. Add to that little restful sleep and I've been great company. This last weekend was the bedroom weekend. I had high hopes seeing as my mom was down to occupy the boys, but we made no real progress. In fact by the Sunday the house was a wreck, and then we had people over *head smack* Since then I've been trying to play catch up on the bedroom. Its still not finished. Jellybeans naps have been short and infrequent this week. And seeing as I've been getting 4hrs of broken sleep a night I've been taking every importunity to nap myself. A lesson I've (finally?) learned is that if I don't at least get some rest I'm completely useless. Not smart when taking care of a baby and little boy. And definitely not fair to them. Now if only I could get over making myself crazy about not having a spotless home...
One project I did get pics of was my dresser. That at least is done!
This is about 60% of what was up there...
Including my really dusty wedding bouquet from 2005.
And finally the finished product!
What I have left to catch up on this week:
Day 14: Get Papers and Files in Order (Monday) - The worst is already done, now I just have to address the strays that have come in in the last couple of weeks
Day 15: Exercise a Little Cord Control (Tuesday) - Ugh, I really need to do this one. One of the ugliest things in the living room is the media cables. This will be a challenge however seeing as there are only two 3-pronged outlets in the whole room.
Day 16: Give you Bathroom & Medicine Cabinets a Cleanout (Today) - I managed most of this today actually. What a difference! Of course I failed to get before pictures =(
Day 17: Looking at Living Room Lighting (Tomorrow) - Oh look, I've already got 3 points of light!