Apr 20, 2007 00:09
I'm scared. I feel myself becoming trapped and I don't know what to do. I'm not in school, I work at Dunkin Donuts and I can feel myself beginning to amount to nothing.
My credit card increased my limit again and I'm thinking about using it to pay SCC the money that I owe them, so I can get back to school. But then that leaves my with the same problem that i had when I was there. I don't know what to do or take or major in. I don't want to waste my time and money taking classes that I don't need. I don't know what to do.
I've worked at Dunkin Donuts for over two years now and while it really isn't a bad job I just don't think I can do it much longer. It's making me miserable and I can actually feel myself becoming dumber the longer I work there. The thing is though that I get pretty good money there. I get make $8 an hour and I get to walk home with about $30 a day from tips. If I go somewhere else I probably wont be making anyhthing near that. I was supposed to start working for my mom (she's a loan processor) but it seems that'll never happen. I've read a lot of the training manual, but she just never seems to have enough business or time to have me start working. Although I really don't want to do that. But I don't want to stay at Dunkin Donuts either. I can just seem myself getting stuck there forever.
I just don't know what to do with my life. I don't know what I need to do to be happy.
I do know that I want to leave Florida. I hate it here. I have never really cared much for this state, but I can't leave. I'm much too dependent of a person to leave all my family and friends behind. And there's no way that I can get all of them to come with me. I don't know that I'd be happier somewhere else though. For all I know, I might pack up and move somewhere and find that Florida isn't so bad after all.
I feel like a failure.
I'm sorry. I know I haven't posted anything for quite sometime and now that I finally have, it's a depressing piece of garbage.
I'm sorry.