RP for teh_keyness What is this world we have livened ourselves too? No dream...

Jan 05, 2011 07:41

Murphy and Dawn had been walking back from his place, wanting to make sure he got his girl home safe and sound. As they walked through the cemetery toward Xander's place, Murphy could feel a sudden chill, and then a lightheaded feeling suddenly settled over himself. Next thing he knew he was waking up off the cold grass of a newly made grave. ( Read more... )

shit has hit the fan, teh_keyness, zombies, end of the world, aequitasright, vampires, dawn summers, murphy macmanus, sunnydale

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aequitas_right January 5 2011, 13:22:19 UTC
Murphy pulled his hand away from her mouth, and nodded toward a car that was sort of blocking the path to the slim alleyway that they were both sitting in. Him rather uncomfortably so due to his long legs. Putting the bow down slowly, he took off his jacket and laid it on the ground. Then he laid himself out prone, and scooted under the chaise of the car as much as he could. Looking one way, then the other. Holding his breath as much as he could, so as to not make too much noise. He didn't want to sneeze, or scrape anything against the concrete and gravel, or do anything that would alert these things to their current presence.

Taking in account of what they were up against, he slowly pulled himself backward. Having made sure that he also removed whatever was in his pockets so that nothing fell out, or made any loud scratching sounds before he laid down to look.

Once he pulled back enough, he leaned against the opposite wall, and pressed a palm to his face. Eyes closed, he looked scared, and pale. Moving then to re-pocket all his belongings, he sat down slowly next to Dawn, and just looked at her for a moment or two.

Whispering, "I could sit here, an' tell ya tha' the odds are only twenty ta each one of us, but then I'd be lying my fool head off here. As I can count it, we are seriously fucked. As in, there are more pairs of feet walking out around there then I could count in the next ten minutes or so."


teh_keyness January 5 2011, 13:51:50 UTC
Dawn didn't say anything at all, she didn't even ask what had happened, her eyes following to see what Murphy meant. She didn't move, though. She was sort of afraid that if she did they might be found, and she didn't know what was out there, but she was more than certain of the fact that they didn't want to be found at that moment.

So instead, she watched Murphy, biting her lip hard enough that she was surprised she hadn't broken skin. "We can't stay here, though," she whispered in reply. It was both a statement and a question. They were sitting ducks here, pretty much waiting for whatever was out there to finally find them. "We have to find somewhere. I mean... there has to be somewhere, right?" She was doing pretty good at being calm, but seeing the look on Murphy's face wasn't helping her keep it.


aequitas_right January 5 2011, 14:04:40 UTC
Slowly he put his hand out to lay on top of hers softly. Giving it a good squeeze.

"No, we can nae, thing is...where do we go? We don' even know if there are still people out there...we got no idea iffen we are in some freaky alternate dimension, some dream, some fucked up nightmare come ta life. Although, it sure as fuck feels like the last bit. Iffen we go on foot, we fucked, tha' much is certain. I could try an' boost a car, not like I feel good 'bout tha'. We could be leavin' some family in need with no way outta here. Hell, we got no fair idea iffen we could git outta Sunnydale ourselves. Iffen we could, I'd make sure you where on yer way, cause I ain't leavin' these fuck=sticks out here ta jus' up an' kill innocent folk." He sighed heavily, and scrubbed his hand over his face. "An' wha' the fuck was up with the faintin', an wakin' up feelin' as if I got a million spiders crawlin' up me ass."


teh_keyness January 5 2011, 14:19:15 UTC
He was right, of course, and Dawn had never guessed for a moment that they would dare to leave anyone behind. She didn't want to tell him that there was no way she'd leave without him and everyone else she knew, though. She was well aware that it wouldn't go over well.

"I'm sticking with the option that doesn't make this real," she whispered in reply, even as she tried to think of something she could do. She wasn't even close to being on the same level as Willow, however, not for several years with her methods.


aequitas_right January 6 2011, 09:36:22 UTC
Murphy was kind of at a loss as how to get out of there. With both zombies, and vampires running rampant. He wasn't even sure if that was all that they would have to face either. There could be any number of other worldly creatures running amok as they sat there like ducks during duck season.

"Well, what iffen I tol' you that I had to actually kill a zombie when you was passed out? Is that even possible, had that ever happened before 'round here? What do ya know that Buffy knows? Talk ta me here, kay baby? Cause, I can nae see a way outta here, and we need ta git outta here an' fast! " He hissed softly. Now pissed off, because he was not going to just sit there and let anything real, or unreal hurt his Dawn.


aequitas_right January 6 2011, 10:47:10 UTC
(OOC I so forgot we made this comm up for our little psl here. Should we move this thread there? http://community.livejournal.com/returntothedark/profile)


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