Never Knew Being Sick (ish) Could Be SO Much Fun

Apr 20, 2006 18:15

For the past week I have been incapable of eating any solid foods because my jaw got all out of whack, and my teeth no longer line up. So basically, I took the week off of work and I have not been to school. In theory, I would just be sitting in front of the TV all day with a schedule like this. But...guess what? I have gotten off of my ass and actually have a social life. Not that I would want my life to be like this all of the time. I would have no money, and would be a sad and lazy exsistance. But, my dentist said that this jaw issue was caused by stress, so I am aloud to take the week off from all responsibility.

Anyways, something very exciting happened last night. I got myself a social life in two different unrelated incindents. First, I went to Half Price Books before I went to my mom's house for dinner, and to see the beautiful boy Brian who always flirts with me. Anyways, last night, while was paying for my books, we talked ( and I was being clumsy as usual). When I had finished paying (which took awhile thanks to the reciept machine which broke while brian was ringing me up) Brian asked me if he could ask me a question.
"Sure" Of course, what kind of freak would say no to a beautiful boy like him?
"Uh...would you like to hang out sometime?" I about screamed. YES YES YES!
"Sure" I said, managing to keep my cool. Brain kept mumbling something about coffee or whatever, while I wrote my number down for him. Then I left as he said he would call me.
It's weird, I thought I would be super hyped that he wanted to hang out. But, I am kinda "blah" about it. I figure that this is either cause I don't know him well or because I am no longer in high school and totally immature. I don't know though. It's weird not to be super crazy and thinking about it every moment. I miss that rush. I just hope this is not my way of slowly bailing out of this one. Ever since Chris (and maybe even before that...and I swear I am over Chris!), I ran away from any guy who had ANY interest in me. And Brian is HOT! I don't want to run from this one - especially cause I don't want to be a 30 year old whose never had a real working relationship. Thats just lame.
Know what is really exciting? I still haven't freaked out that he hasn't called me. It's only been a day - but if it were Chris, I would be FREAKING! And I am still very blase'! Yeah! Progress! (and not just for progress' sake)

The Second part of Etana getting herself a life was when I hung out with Adam at Honey Bear after Maura's break. We talked, some about Brian, some about the bible-loving college he is being forced to attend next year, some about his car crash...etc. He had totaled his car just the past weekend and was gonna take the bus home. But, it was much easier for me to give him a ride home. This is when we made plans to hang tonight. I am gonna pick him up and take him to Hotwire for "open mike night", and then we're gonna watch the OC. I am kinda worried Maura's gonna be mad that I am hanging with her boyfriend and doing all of the things Maura and I do together. Either that or she is gonna be way too excited that Adam and I have gotten ourselves social lives - even if it still revolves around her. I am so glad to finnaly be bonified friends with one of her boyfriends if only because it makes my exsistance seem less lonely. I am gonna be really sad when he goes to that bible-thumping school, maybe even sadder then Maura (as she is forcing him to go).
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