So lets have an update.....
This weekend is the HOEDOWN! Lotsa fun... last night Tea and I cruised down there... fiasco in the Greektown P-Garage... but we made it... and what do you know a Robin and a Tberry were there... so it was SChweeet.
Today is Brittney's Bday party... so that should be fun... and then tonight is this cool thing at the VFW post my parents go to... its a Ball sorta thing, cuz it is Armed Services Day today :) Then tomorrow, back to the HOEDOWN :)
Work is ok... what I do is fun... as per the type of things Im doing... the specifics not so fun.
Next Weekend is the Philly, PA trip!!!! Woo hoo... Atlantic City, Philly, Hershey and Kenney Chesney :)
Oh and of course the Good news :)
I have been accepted to 3 law schools so far... and the most exciting part is that my #1 choice: Ave Maria: accepted me and is giving me a pretty sweet scholarship! So... I will be going to law school in Ann Arbor next year... I am scared, excited, nervous, and about 50 other emotions :)
Ave is seriously the place to be right now... and from what I hear of the 2009 class (mine) it's the whose who of young conservatives... at least that is what Joanie tells me.
Aside from that not a whole lot... just thought Id do a quick update....
Oh yeah...
Im home this summer so:
-Tigers Games as per usual
-Fun other stuff
-I can come to "things" that I have missed in past summers and all that jazz