Low College of Ulterior Motives

Sep 15, 2006 13:55

So after a 14 years hiatus on a half finished degree, I signed up for 6 credits of college classes this week, barely squeezing in the last day of add/drop. Im taking 2D Animation and Figure Drawing, I went to them 2x this week and theyre OK. I tried to get Electronic Studio (Photoshop) and a HTML/XML/Java classes but they filled up too quick. Never taken basic animation though Ive understood how it works since childhood. Ive taken about 10 fig drawing classes, theyre all the same, drawing super-pale caucasians in stark white classrooms with big black wads of charcoal, makes no sense to me but thats how figure drawing has been taught for centuries. With 10+ colleges this whole county is like the school lunchroom every day anyway. But its cool, this one is a bit less frantic than the usual Amherst colleges.

In mid October I'll be getting $3K in stinky Federal government cheese and that will provide me with lots of new options, Im already concocting secret plans. I really really tried to not have to take out more loans but in the usual demented irony of my life and this culture every other option has fallen away. So be it. A wad of cash is a wad of cash and damn more useful than 99% of most other resources as we all agree.

Meanwhile, the Fight for Truth marches on and even hardcore conservatives cant resist the facts. 911: The Elephant in the Room
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