High Spring

May 31, 2006 15:43

At last...High Spring Arrives. My favorite season of the year, and the whole reason I live in the woods; a balmy 78 every day this week, not too hot not too cold and lush beyond belief as the Earth blooms now into full green riotous Life, and everything everywhere finally relaxes a little. Everything always feels so much more natural to me this time of year, and to all Life it seems, for surely we all live by the Grace of God and by no other means and everything feels this at a deeper level.

So thus it is I give it all up to God, cause despite the beauty of spring, Im still at an enormous financial crisis this month, out of books to sell and out of credit to procure more and still no job, and still healing from a minor but chronic ailment as well as other problems, Im stuck at home cause the car inside fan needed to be fixed, so Im here sweating it out in front of the computer writing job letters for the 100 millionth time looking out the window at the emerald chiarscuro wondering whats gonna happen next...but its so nice outside Im not sure Im too concerned today...

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