-8 days of downpour, no raincoat no waterproof footgear
-Cant find a decent pair of waterproof shoes in real time,
spent 7 hours in a dozen stores fruitlessly searching for a good pair under $150 ystrdy
-Leaky roof in my car no $ to fix
(Whole state declared emergency, its flooding bcz we had a bad dry spell in Mar/Apr)
http://www.boston.com/news/weather/gallery/readers_rain_photos2/ -$3 gas!!! (expected at $4!!! by 6/15 folks!)
-Nearly out of books to sell and resources to buy more,
supplier is demanding I spend more
-Next month: $250+ credit card payments
-Turned down for several job interviews
-Stuck inside trying to work w/2 teenagers camped out
all day every day in the house with me, dishes poop and TV evrywhere
-No $ no 420
-Practically banned from 2 dif game forums for accidentally double posting
while defending my noob self from multiple asshole comembers
-Closest local friend & connection leaving the area for northern CA in 1 month...
-NSA, George Bush, Verizon all sense of sanity or workable future in America or anywhere for that matter
.....Its just all way too much for me today.
(crawls into corner curls up clutches skull )