Morning After

Feb 12, 2010 15:14

OOC: Takes place after this.

Empathy and telepathy can be a very useful combination when neither of you has a good idea of what you're doing. Things were figured out eventually, and last night was good, very good.

At the moment, Annabelle is lying next to Connor, sleepy, sated, and faintly smug.

milliways, oom

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leadinghome February 12 2010, 21:26:17 UTC
To say Connor is blissful right now would be an understatement.

The smug earns Annabelle a little bit of tickling: his mind is open to her, so words are not necessary.

Why smug?


aeons_crackshot February 12 2010, 21:32:14 UTC
Why shouldn't I be? Then her tone turns teasing. As far as I know, I did quite well for a beginner.


leadinghome February 12 2010, 21:47:03 UTC
In my humble opinion, you did wonderfully. Really, things could not have gone any better.

I hope I did not disappoint you...


aeons_crackshot February 12 2010, 21:52:46 UTC
It's a bit ridiculous for her to blush at this point, but she does.

Far from it Annabelle replies, certain highlights coming to mind. She leans over to kiss him. You've at least as much reason to be smug as I do.


leadinghome February 12 2010, 22:54:17 UTC
The kiss is gladly accepted and gently returned. If you say so... A contented sigh, and he strokes Annabelle's hair.


aeons_crackshot February 12 2010, 23:05:45 UTC
I do indeed she says with a mental purr. Though I would have thought your gifts would have made my....satisfaction very clear.

Annabelle leans into his touch. I need to ask Bar for another key...


leadinghome February 12 2010, 23:10:28 UTC
He smiles at the praise, but the following thought makes him puzzle. Another key...?

No, he does not even imagine.


aeons_crackshot February 12 2010, 23:16:20 UTC
Unless you want to pick the lock on my door every night?

Annabelle's a bit puzzled herself. Surely he doesn't think that last night is going to be an isolated incident if Annabelle has anything to say about it?


leadinghome February 12 2010, 23:23:48 UTC
Let's put it simply: being with her every night he spends at Milliways?

Nothing could make him more pleased, happy and glad.

Annabelle is pulled into a deep and long kiss, Connor's arms around her warmly.

...I never told you I can unlock doors telekinetically, did I? He does not need, need a key: the permission, the invite, are much more important.


aeons_crackshot February 12 2010, 23:36:38 UTC
Annabelle is terribly glad that he likes the idea, as she wasn't sure how he'd react to the offer.

The kiss and embrace are very welcome and gladly returned.

You didn't, but it's a logical assumption. Well, logical to someone who worked with people like Connor for half her life. She suspected that he could open the lock telekinetically, but that's not the point. If you have a key, it is your space as well as the other person's.


leadinghome February 13 2010, 00:03:50 UTC
Now I will be very tempted to spend a lot of time more here...

Oh, yes.


aeons_crackshot February 13 2010, 00:07:48 UTC
I can't say I'm sorry for tempting you in the slightest.

For any of the various temptations he may be thinking of.


leadinghome February 13 2010, 00:28:20 UTC
"And now hopefully you will not put me on a headlock anymore?" He chuckles a bit, idly kneading her back.


aeons_crackshot February 13 2010, 00:31:12 UTC
That feels good.

Annabelle blushes and looks a bit sheepish. "I hope not. It would be easier if there was a way to inform the back of my brain that you, well, belong here with me."


leadinghome February 13 2010, 00:57:24 UTC
"Maybe you just need to be spoiled more so your mind registers how awesome I am?" But he is not suave enough to pull it off without blushing very red.


aeons_crackshot February 13 2010, 01:15:21 UTC
"You are awesome, but I have no objections to your attempting to prove it," Annabelle says, blushing.

"Or I could try and make myself believe that you are mine, so it might try and keep you safe instead," she adds, turning very red. Annabelle's not suave either.


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