Follows "
Initial" and "
Separate." Also posted at
femslash100 in response to Challenge 35.
Title: Again
Author: Nia
Rating: PG
Fandom: Gilmore Girls + RPFS
Pairing: Lauren Graham / Lorelai Gilmore
Summary: "One day you will have to choose: stay here, or let go."
You sit on her bed in your bra and panties, wearing her shoes, and she traces the undone strap across your instep. She rests her head between your thighs. She lets you hold both her hands.
One day you will have to choose: stay here, or let go.
Maybe you do want something of the life you know only vaguely: Lorelai was the daughter who ran away, and Lorelai's daughter is the daughter who ran away, and you are sickly happy to know. Sometimes it is the daughter who runs away.
But it is always a daughter who's left behind.