I love making lists! Cherry and I used to make pointless lists together all the time. And I'm extremely bored. So here goes:
*clears throat*
List for List's Sake
- I don't like tomatoes.
- I'm sure tomatoes don't like me.
- Lemon detox drink doesn't taste half bad, though that probably has something to do with the amount of maple syrup I put in it.
- It's Yeah Yeah Yeahs not The Yeah Yeah Yeahs
- Wait, they don't love you like I love you.
- I don't use my GPS enough. I should use it more.
- I'm going to buy Boobs a new jacket, so she can stop wearing her school one all the time.
- L smells like wallnuts and sex (metaphorically).
- Apricots look fucking odd.
- Potatoes are a poor excuse for a vegetable -- are they a vegetable?
- I love potatoes! Mashed, sliced & fried... mashed.
- I can't eat anything hot without tomato or garlic sauce (except mashed potato).
- Blood is so interesting. What blood type are you?
- I am a vampire. I am a vampire. I AM A VAMPIRE. I've lost my fangs.
- I hate Bella Cullen (nee. Swan) so very, very much. God I love it when she and Edward get dirty.
- Suki is so fun to write about.
- I know an old Turkish guy with a tattoo of a vagina and legs on his armpit.
- My random (or maybe not-so-random) thought has come to a close. Pink is kewl.