Friends Only Post

May 15, 2015 22:54

♥ This Journal is Friends Only. ♥

Some things before you add me... )

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Comments 28

aine_silveria June 9 2007, 20:19:08 UTC
An LDS anime-lover! I thought I was the only one! I saw your Fruits Basket icons and the note on #12, which made me do a double-take! I was all, 'what, huh? God be with you? I KNOW THAT SONG, HOW DOES SHE KNOW THAT SONG.' So I had to figure out if you were LDS or not. Which it seems like you are. EEE. So cool.

And I just realized I'm totally spazzing over you. Sorry for being such a nutjob, but if you don't mind my insanity, I'd like to friend you and be friended back. I have no idea if we're similar or not (knowing my luck, probably not), but I don't think it's a bad idea.

So, uh. Yeah. >>;;;;; I've not friended you yet, because I didn't think you wanted psycho-crazy me assaulting your list without you knowing who I was. I really don't post that much, but..... um. YEAH. I'm going to stop babbling at you. I'm normally not this bad.


aeolianafay June 9 2007, 20:33:54 UTC
You're totally not the only one. My large family is filled with them. XD All 5 kids in my family watch anime or read manga on a very regular basis. Soooo... :)))) I am definitely LDS.

It's totally okay! I've spazzed out over similar instances of finding fellow LDS Otaku's online. LOL. It's a rare occurance, but becoming less so!!

I looked at your journal and your profile and we have totally enough in common to friend one another. :)) I love fantasy and whatnot, so you've got me there. You love fruits basket and other fandom's that I've either read or enjoyed. You're LDS, but you admit to having made mistakes. I have made some of the biggest mistakes I could make growing up (none unforgivable, thank goodness, but I am still stumbling a lot as I try to get my life back together). :))

Soooo... I'll definitely friend you and hope you'll friend me in return. I talk alot about icons, work, school, and life. I post a lot and my posts can sometimes get really loooong. BUT YEAH. ♥ I'm good at babbling, so... you got me there, too.


aine_silveria June 12 2007, 20:00:33 UTC
You are completely rare from where I am. I swear, most of the people in Michigan still think anime = porn/kid's cartoons. >>;;;; Still, a family of anime lovers! Terrific! I knew Washington'd be a better place than here. My dad's visited Seattle on work and thinks it's a terrifically pretty place. ^_^

Yay, fantasy! *grins* Nothing's better than reading a good fantasy. ^_^ And as for admitting mistakes.... it's really the smartest thing to do. There's only ever been one person on this earth that was perfect, and he knows what I've done already. If people can't like me, mistakes and all, they're not really going to ever be my friend. They'll just make me want to hide parts of myself, which is completely unhealthy. I've done some VERY stupid things regarding myself and how I think of myself because of my 'friends' and I'm still quite messed up because of it.

Babbling. That's me. >>;;; I'm off to friend you before I trip over my tongue some more and get into highly deep conversation and scare you off.


aeolianafay June 13 2007, 05:30:41 UTC
I've met people who think "anime = porn" and all I can say is, "It's like any other entertainment medium. It's all how it's used. There is inappropriate manga, just like there's inappropriate music, regular novels, magazines, and so on and so forth." I've slightly ventured into the hentai'verse (I will admit it!), but that crossed the line and have tried to keep it safe in my little realm of sweet shoujo (intermingled with some fantasy manga and random crack). XD

Nothing wrong with babbling!!! ♥ I do quite a bit of it!!


x_leeuh July 17 2007, 02:29:27 UTC
hi ~

this is Lea. x_x and iono how much Ana told me about you O.o but if she hasn't said much then I'll probably seem like a complete maniac.


though that might be a lie..

anyhoo--I <3 Furuba and am a die hard fan of Japanese Dramas, namely Hana Yori Dango, 1 litre of tears, and Nobuta wo Produce. I don't use my livejournal very much, but Ana said that it would probably be best to add you here xD Since I might come meet you randomly when you meet Ana at Uwajimaya.


aeolianafay July 17 2007, 02:50:58 UTC
I'll believe you. XD
And I'll totally add you without hesitation. ♥~!
I'm more of a Furuba fan than a JDrama fan (though I'm slowly getting into those much more than I was, thanks to Hana Yori Dango and Hana Kimi). :)
Nice to meet you!


(The comment has been removed)

aeolianafay July 21 2007, 13:36:29 UTC
wah sorry. XD I'll get you in right now. :)


chiparoo October 9 2007, 03:20:55 UTC
Read this.
This is the beginning of the archives.
IF you dont read this you suck


adding you <3 frakalakalaka December 24 2007, 07:33:05 UTC
and you can't stop me >:O


Re: adding you <3 aeolianafay December 25 2007, 02:45:33 UTC
ooo.... i be scared now.


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