Nov 14, 2006 18:36
Today... Today...
I finally got my book today!! YAYAYAYAY! And at the least expected place: Barnes & Nobles (sorry, Molly, but B&N rarely has the manga I'm looking for... well, the volumes I'm looking for). But I was so happy, because that means that not only could I get my book, but I could get the discount on it. YAY! I was very happy. I have been going to Borders nearly every day the past week since I knew W Juliet #13 was out (and they said they had it at the Redmond store... LIARS. They had it, but not on the floor. The should only put it on the site that they have it if it's on the floor... jerks.) But I was very happy. I've also started another manga. Heh. I picked up Akuma de Souro (The Devil does Exist), by the same author of Crimson Hero (which a manga that is being serialized in the magazine, Shojo Beat, which I am subscribed too... cuz it's made of awesome). It's very good. I like it better than Crimson Hero.
ALSO, my sister is made of awesome. I have been able to watch the Hana Yori Dango live action because she put it on the "public folder" between our computers and now I can watch it. She's also going to force me to watch One Piece (...I've read the first couple books of it, not a fan). But yeah. :-DDDD She has some Naruto, too. I might ask her for it. I don't think I'll get into either, because I'm not a major shonen fan.. but whatever. Atleast I'll have a basic idea of what people are talking about when they talk about those stories. :-D
Well, except for the fact that I was supposed to pick up Julia and Tommy from school, but DIDN'T because I thought I saw my grandmothers car at the high school, so I turned around. GAR! I shouldn't've! Julia, Josh, Tommy, and Martin all ended up walking home in the rain. But because I didn't pick them up, I went to B&N and found my book! I was so happy! :-D Tommy and Julia weren't mad at me. They didn't mind too much. :-D
K... BYE.