It's nearing the end of the day. I finally showed my mom the foot.
It's really kinda weird looking.
It's swollen still, as expected. The 3 middle toes are all bruised at their bases and on their sides and the bruise spans between the 3 of them as well. There's also a bruise on the side of the foot that's broken, as well as a bruise on the BOTTOM of my foot (right in the middle). My mom thought the bottom bruise was weird. Heeeh. Well, I did something pretty weird to break my foot in the first place.
My mother says that the doctor is fitting me into his schedule, and will work around me. So I may be there awhile. We're going to work on getting my X-Rays tomorrow. We'll probably go over to the hospital tomorrow, cuz they'll probably only release them to me (and not to my mom, 'cuz I'm 21 and all). I'm praying for 2 things on Thursday: 1) No cast; 2) No surgery. That's all I want. If I can avoid both of 'em, I will be thrilled. But I'm going to go in to work tomorrow and ask for next week off as well. >.< I hate not being able to work, but my foot needs a longer vacation than the rest of me.
I'm going to go to bowling tomorrow morning, but I'm not going to bowl. I will probably have to quit bowling for like a month or so until my foot gets better. That way, I don't have to pay for the month or so I miss, and then I can just start back up in like December or January when my foot is all better. ^^;;
So yeah. >.< That's my life for now. Election results for today won't start getting posted for another 2 hours or so. -.- My parents are most likely going to a couple election night parties. Atleast, my dad is. My mom may decide to play hooky this year. I almost hope she does. I don't really like election night parties. Just a bunch of politicians or politician wannabes watching the computer & tv screens in hopeful anticipation that their chosen people will win. I can do that at home, thank you! And in the comfort of my PJ's at that! :-p to them.
And zomg... W Juliet 13 is out. One more book to go!!! *pushes Borders* get it! get it! get it! nooooww!!