
Jun 09, 2012 23:54

So, basically, since I was about to write a really long and rambly post:

- After spending so much time looking forward to this weekend, I spent today in an inexplicable funk.
- I think it may have been triggered by a conversation I had with a customer yesterday who, while well-meaning (if a bit old-fashioned), inadvertently reminded me that I don't have a life.
- I am a grown-ass woman and I kinda feel like a kid, and not in a good way.
- I need to get a life back.
- I need a new activity. 
- I am strongly considering taking a hiatus from playing the trumpet, or at least telling myself that I do. Just for a few weeks or so.
- My self-esteem has not been at an all-time high over the past week or two.
- Opinionated people really, really bring out my insecurities. Especially when they are intelligent, articulate, and on the internet when it is late and I am tired. And one of them is now a coworker. Awesome.
- I would like to be able to do things without thinking about myself or what other people think. I want to be taken out of myself, as it were.
- I have no idea why the hell I was in this kind of mood today.
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