他妈的. 还以为是什么Karate Kid, 出来却是永春小伙子... -.-

May 29, 2011 17:51

Hey you. Yes, I'm looking at you. Stop calling yourself the Karate Kid.

Firstly, that is not Karate. No matter which angle you look at it, you're not kicking like Karate, you're not punching like Karate, you're not even moving like Karate.

Secondly, THE SHOW IS SET IN CHINA! China =/= Karate. End of story.

Thirdly, if you don't use the name, and just provide the plot to the relevant authorities to check for copyright/intellectual property infringement, I'm very certain that there would not be a case in any shape, way or form. The only things The Karate Kid (Remade) and the Karate Kid (Original) shares in common are the title, and the very basic storyline of a kid who moved, got bullied, decided to learn martial arts from a cool old bum, mastered said martial arts in an unrealistically short time, went for a competition, fought the bullies, bullies played cheat, martial arts powerrrrr, kid wins. I'm pretty sure that's less than 10% of the actual scripting.

Fine, maybe put in a reference in the credits to cover your asses. That should suffice.

I can't decide whether to feel more insulted about the fact that Hollywood decided to call Wing-Chun, Karate, or that Karate has apparently metamorphosed into Wing-Chun.

Kung-Fu =/= Karate. 'nuff said.

I feel so cheated now. *sulks.

stupid people, stupid titles, ranting

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