Prozac sounds nice.

Jul 14, 2005 21:39

Pretty much my life sucks right now, no one knows all the fucking shit going on in my life. As much as i try not to show my grief and anger, its all piling up and i think im ready to explode. I cant hold it in anymore and the thing is, I have absolutely no one to talk to right now and I dont know how to be strong anymore. I cant see one of my best fucking friends for a month and its already killing me. And im grounded untill the twenty-third, for some fucking dumbass mistake I made. I dont know how i could have been so fucking stupid, but i was. I never thought it would happen to me. I was fearless untill now, or maybe I'm just at the point right now where I dont even care what happens to me because everything is so fucking messed up anyways.
Does it really matter?
Does anything really matter anymore?

yay im drugfree.
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