The money diet

Sep 10, 2008 10:38

I'm pleased to be finding myself in better shape. Now I've tried cutting out most fizzy drinks and chocolates, and switching to diet drinks, but generally that's not worked (in the case of cutting out nearly 2L of cola a day along with reducing sweets intake I actually gained weight, somehow). In the last few months I've had rather more success. At the end of January I looked at the budget and set very ambitious savings targets that would mean cutting out most non-essential expenses. While I'm not particularly liking being relatively hermit-like in the avoidance of unnecessary expenses, it has also prompted me to seriously reduce the amount I consume in the office - for breakfast, lunch and as snacks, and has prompted me to switch to drinking coffee as my main daytime drink, cutting out most of my sugar intake from drinks as well...
The net result? My weight's down about half a stone, but in the last couple of months or so I've additionally noticed a definite improvement in tone and muscle mass, so while I haven't been losing any significant weight in this time, I've been losing fat still.
So... the financial targets provided the additional incentive to cut back. I'm calling it the money diet, as it's quantifying the expense of the snacks and drinks to prompt a change in habits.
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