1) My kid sister might go to jail. She and some friends decided it would be good times to break into someone's house and steal some shit, and then turn around immediately and pawn it 'for some extra cash'. Guess whose driver's license they used to pawn it? Becca's. Guess who didn't realize catching thieves and recovering stolen property is why they ask for I.D. in the first place? That's right, Becca. Guess who's in a shitload of shit? You guessed it, Becca.
I'm hoping she gets community service. That or jail--not that I want my sister in jail, mind you, but if she gets hit with a fine? Becca doesn't have a job. She has no money. My mom will be paying that fine, and Becca gets off Scott free. So if there's a fine, as much as I'd hate to do it, I'd argue to let her get arrested for non-payment. I love her to death but she seriously needs a reality check that doesn't bounce.
2) I've been gloriously vagrant-y these past few weeks, as a lot of my online friends have probably noticed. It is not that I don't love everyone; that is quite untrue. I just have been on a writing kick lately and for some reason the free roaming and drifting about, most of my stuff in my car, has really helped me focus. Maybe it's because I can't just sit around online chatting and doing RP do the point where I stop working on my book. Maybe it's because I've been itching for a change, and though there've been a lot of changes in my life lately, not too many of them have been self-initiated. Whatever the reason, somehow, choosing to roam about sleeping where I feel like it (Mom's couch ftw, even if I was awakened quite early by Becca's incarceration) has given me a mote of control I think I was missing. I felt sort of like a victim of my own existence, an ineffectual bystander watching my own life happen; I was unhappy and stressed and didn't know why and therefore couldn't fix it.
Also, if I don't write for a long enough while, I get very cranky. Apparently this happens to all writers; I feel so legit XD
And that leads me to 3) I have been writing a metric shitton. I figured I'd go all in and try the cliche'd recommendation of writing in a real notebook. A lot of authors say it helps them focus, that it gives you more connection to the story as you write it out in your own hand. It also, for me at least, keeps me from launching into constant instantaneous revision; it forces the rough draft => revision process, rather than writing and perfecting at the same time without really knowing completely where I'm going. I've been in revision mode for years, working on my first book, and now that I'm writing my second one I need to move away from that. It's working. I'm excited.
Also, one of my coworkers, Brian, is a writer as well, and he's read the first chapter of my first book and is eager for more. He's in the submission process for his own novel like I am, so in addition to chapter exchange we're trading queries and other submissions packet materials, to give each other pointers and whatnot. My support network is growing, and is resilient and encouraging; I no longer feel like my life is detracting from my writing. For the first time in a long while, things are coming together to push me forward rather than divert me or hold me back. At home, at the coffee shops and 24-hour diners where I plunk down my weary ass, and now even at work, I'm getting eager questions and enthusiastic responses; this is building, leading to a great culmination that will lead me into the publishing world and, ultimately, I believe, take me from a college graduate with a useless BA and a dead-end job into the realm of possibility I've always dreamed of--I'm going to be a writer, and make my living off the written word.
ATTN: STEPH! I'm so sorry, darling. I volunteered to beta your pieces before submission and I think my dust-in-the-wind-iness made me miss that mark. I'm glad you had others to bounce off of also. I'll still read the works, and soon--I just need to type up the scene I've scribed into my handy-dandy notebook so I don't feel like I'm leaving it unfinished, but I'm sorry my feedback will come too late. Also? We should exchange phone numbers or something; I have unlimited texting and can do email from my phone, so we can stay in better contact even when I'm not online as much.
The rest of this is more anon.love, which is why I started this post in the first place XD
Thank you, for loving me
for embracing me and chiding me
for listening when I want to talk and talking when I don't want to listen
for vaulting my dreams into the heavens
and smiling as I claw my way to the stars
Thank you for trusting me
for believing in me and admonishing me
for all the happiness you wish me as I work away from you
for missing me without resenting me
and understanding why I have been scarce
Thank you for being my friend
for holding my success so high
for wanting me to be happy even when it means we see each other less
for remembering I hold no grudge (I hold no grudge)
and knowing I'm not trying to get away
I love you so much, and words cannot express how grateful I am to have a friend like you.