Jun 19, 2010 22:18
I've almost forgotten how vicious and merciless people can turn out to be.
We have a research project to pass by the end of the semester. Right now, we're trying to have a topic approved for the project. So far, everything our group has proposed was rejected either because they are too hard or not worth the time and effort.
While everyone else in the group seems to be encouraging each other and liking their proposals, they seem to be specially critical of mine. If I say anything, one would say that it's too difficult unless someone combines it with another difficult idea of theirs, then everyone else says the idea is brilliant. And when I try defending something, they immediately say not to try because we can't get materials anywhere, the idea cannot be applied to anything, etc.
And the last straw was when we were having topics checked with the teacher. When a teacher was asking if we could be satisfied with conducting a certain project, instead of outright saying "no" like any good butt-kissing student would, I half-sarcastically answered that some other people would find that project useful. I have to admit, people would think I'm being an airhead if they took what I said too seriously, but now they're completely ignoring everything I say.
I know I am, not just feel like I am, being too sensitive to how their reacting to me, but they're also being unreasonably irritable. Just because our group can't propose something that can be approved right away, they're treating everyone else as incompetent and not worth listening to. I can't stand this aspect of being in a sort-of honors class, and kind of wish I didn't have to deal with people like that, those who would treat other people who "get in the way of their ultimate goal" of having awesomely high grades as less than human.
I know I'm ranting, too, and it's unproductive to rant. And the people I'm talking about might be reading this post. But I can't research on the topic and finally solve the root problem if I couldn't air out this other problem.