My Chai is probably cold...

Apr 02, 2004 22:29

We finished a song for our cd we are going to record eventually. It turned out to be around 8 minutes long. I wrote all the bass parts and then Tovin and I wrote guitar parts for over top of it. It is really good. He wants to do an acoustic song next so we will do that, not near as much room for intricate bass parts as the other song had. But oh well, simple and effective bass parts arent always that bad. I am kind of tired tonight but I need to stay up to wait for Amber to get home from the movies because she wants to talk to me. I kind of want to go play tennis tomorrow. Hopefully we can because that would be fun. It was nice today, maybe if we are lucky it will be tomorrow too. I think I want to get an Ibanez EDA bass. They are really nice and look really cool too. That means I need to save up around $500 or $600. Oh well, I guess I will have to get it in about a year but oh well...

A Perfect Circle Concert Countdown

22 Days

Bass Pot

Up to around $150
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