In regard to an individual's success or the lack thereof

May 30, 2006 02:52

You can not blame Satan.
You can not blame God.
You can not blame the people/person who raised you (Or did not).
You can not blame the world for it's unkindness and sorrow.
Nothing can be held accountable for your ability to succeed but your own self.
Everyone has the ability to succeed in whatever method they choose, and success
is marked by ones mental ability to be content with their situation and to continue
improving it beyond limit.
If you live playing the blame game, then you will stagnate mentally and physically;
not achieving success, one will never achieve inner piece with their soul and they will
live their life at the edge of true happiness, staring through iron bars.

As for me I shall succeed and nothing will stop me. The world will reckon the day
that it underestimated my ability.
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